South Shore Oral Surgery Associates

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South Shore Oral Surgery Associates Rating
Showing 421 to 423 of 423 reviews
"No one likes to be there but the staff is great and tries to calm those of us who are babies!"
  • February 26, 2020
"Dr. Wilson was kind and professional as all as the nurse/assistant (dark hair) and the nurse/assistant that took us into the recovery room after was super sweet, patient and caring but I will say the front desk staff and the nurse/assistant (curly dark blondish hair) could use a lesson in bed side manner with patients (especially kids) and parents. I found them to be borderline rude, uncaring and ..."
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  • February 26, 2020
"Referred to Dr. Gu for wisdom teeth extraction. Very easy going doctor and are willing to listen especially for those who are extremely nervous. Let's just hope my surgery goes well as he have described (even though there are possible risks for every surgery)."
  • February 26, 2020
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