South Shore Oral Surgery Associates

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South Shore Oral Surgery Associates Rating
Showing 31 to 40 of 423 reviews
"Having a dental implant sounded awful, but the whole process was great. Just very expensive, especially because I do not have dental insurance. Dr. Lustbader was wonderful. Took time to explain everything and answer my questions. I would highly recommend this place to anyone needing an implant."
  • March 16, 2020
"The team made the whole process go smoothly. Loved the high quality care and results."
  • March 13, 2020
"They are fabulous!! Enough said!"
  • March 12, 2020
"I recently came in for wisdom teeth removal and the dentists and nurses were great. The front desk staff however, need to provide better customer service. From my very first phone call I was cut off when talking and detected an attitude. Then when actually coming in the greeting wasn't warm, I said "thank you for your help" upon leaving and got no response. They just need to do better. It was to the ..."
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  • February 27, 2020
"I was feeling a little nervous about going under and having a rude nurse in training did not ease the stress. Out of the three nurses there, one was comforting, but the other two made me seem like a brat. I expressed my concern and all the two did were make inappropriate comments and push me around while setting me up. The nurse that was reassuring was amazing, she helped me calm down and go under ..."
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  • February 27, 2020
"Front desk lady not friendly. Not much privacy. Doctor seems nice"
  • February 27, 2020
"As I've mentioned to the staff, it hasn't been very pleasurable. The Dr. has consistently been late, his max was 45 min but even every other time, he's just late. Not much respect for other's time. The only reason I'd even consider going back here is the very pleasant front desk staff and the assistants, who understood my frustration and were very nice."
  • February 27, 2020
"There was a mix up on which tooth to be extracted. The situation was very stressful and the dentist did not ease the situation; his attitude and demeanor made the experience very uncomfortable and upsetting. The technicians were very professional and one in particular was very kind and caring."
  • February 27, 2020
"Everyone was nice and professional. I did feel somewhat rushed during the appointment.. My original appointment was for 3:45 And l was asked to come in at 3:00. When we discussed the option of a biopsy i was informed that normally could be done that same visit but could not be done this time as Dr. Gu was backed up and traveling that afternoon. I would need to schedule a second visit. That was not ..."
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  • February 27, 2020
"Good Experience - very nice & considerate personnel."
  • February 27, 2020
4 of 43