Huszti Dental Care

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Huszti Dental Care Rating
Showing 331 to 334 of 334 reviews
"All my questions and concerns were answered completely. I was given everyone's undivided attention during my exam and during "check out"."
  • December 12, 2014
"At today's appointment I had a old crown removed and the tooth behind it made ready for a crown. Everyone was great and made me comfortable."
  • December 12, 2014
"Awesome personality! Loved the two ladies at the front desk as well as the rest of the staff. Very friendly and genuinely wanted to get to know you. Everyone was helpful and willing to make my experience as pleasant as possible. Teeth cleaning was a bit rough for my taste but a very thorough job was done. I may have to ask for a more gentle touch next time. Overall, I'm satisfied with my first visit ..."
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  • December 12, 2014
"We went in for a cleaning and I asked the Hygienist to be very careful around the deep filling that my daughter just had fixed and she came out in a lot more pain then she was. It was like the day that the tooth was filled. She was back to taking motrin when the tooth was healing really well. My daughter loves Dr. Chong!"
  • December 12, 2014
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