For All Children And Adult Dentistry

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For All Children And Adult Dentistry Rating
Showing 31 to 40 of 59 reviews
"They are nice and listen to your concerns."
  • July 11, 2019
"Since that I come in, the attention was pro, especially the doctor, her professionally was excellent I am so happy to select this dental office to my family dental services! I'm thankfulness!!!"
  • November 17, 2016
"Dr and staff nicely helpfully excellent jobs..."
  • October 28, 2016
"I have never ever like the dentist office. I tried this office l love it the staff, the atmosphere, the family friendly attitudes,, kindness and compassion. I love my dentist there he is the best. they provide high quality outstanding care with individual attention and patience that you should expect in a professional yet friendly environment. I would and already have recommend this office to many ..."
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  • October 8, 2016
"Súper la atención de todo el staff y del Dr. Fui atendida a la hora de mi cita, no tuve que esperar, me explicaron todo lo que tendría que hacerme en forma clara y sencilla. la mayoría de las personas que trabajan ahí son bilingües."
  • October 5, 2016
"This was my 3rd visit for the same crown with Dr.H. I waited 30 minutes for my 10am appointment. Dr. H was confused as to what happened to my crown a third time. I am not questioning Dr. H of his capability but I am questioning why my crown had to be repositioned three times. The procedure was completed and I was sent my way.Dr. H did not say anything to me, I didn't know the procedure was completed, ..."
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  • September 30, 2016
"It was my son's first item at the dentist and they made him feel very comfortable. the doctor was very gentle with him. the staff was very friendly and professional."
  • September 19, 2016
"The waiting room is over crowded, over booked and very uncomfortable. The staff tries to sweet talk the patients to ease the issues at hand, however it is more annoying than helpful. The dentist herself was very nice but the procedure to get to her is ridiculous to say the least. This place without a doubt is an example of insurance abuse - they get you in so they can charge your insurance for ..."
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  • September 12, 2016
Response from For All Children And Adult Dentistry
We are very sorry that you were not comfortable in our waiting room, we have made every effort to make the waiting room beautiful and entertaining with just remodeling it in 2015. You made an emergency appointment as a new patient in pain. As per your own words, you did not even remembered when your last dental appointment was and yet we had accommodated you on the busiest month (August) just before school opens. we are sorry that you were annoyed by our staff being nice to you and we are truly sorry that we had to charge your insurance company for an emergency exam and xrays. However we are happy that you found a place you like and hopefully you stick with them.
  • September 11, 2016
"Great doctor and great staff. Very friendly."
  • August 31, 2016
Response from For All Children And Adult Dentistry
Thank you for rating us 5 Stars. We are happy that you had a good experience.
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