Dental Comfort - GP

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Dental Comfort - GP Rating
Showing 51 to 59 of 59 reviews
"It was my 4 yr old 2nd dental check-up this year. Dr. Kumar performed the routine check-up and was very friendly. My daughter was at complete ease and infact was looking forward to visit the dentist(maybe due to the goody bag she knew she will get :-)) They even took X-rays of her teeth to see how things are and I got a good look at her permanent teeth growing behind the baby teeth now.And the option ..."
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  • May 23, 2018
"Would recommend to everyone."
  • May 23, 2018
"Commendable service as always...."
  • May 23, 2018
"Everything was explain very clearly to me. I'm very satisfied with my visit. Should have gone here a long time ago."
  • May 23, 2018
"friendly, efficient and effective"
  • May 23, 2018
"I was very much satisfied with the level of information provided by the doctors both about my dental problem and the insurance coverage and how it affects my out-of-pocket expenses. No surprises about fees.The service was good and all the staff was friendly and treated very well.Less wait time too."
  • May 23, 2018
"Had a great visit with Dr. Sharma. Both she and her staff were very friendly and up to date on my needs and records."
  • May 23, 2018
"I had emergency because of severe infection and tooth-ache. Dr. Anu Sharma responded quickly , provided medication and attended me next morning. Took decision quickly what to do."
  • May 23, 2018
"Excellent appt. Very prompt, and Dr. Kumar explained upfront what it would cover. She saw me immediately, and explained the issues and solutions very effectively. They also provided me with a detailed explanation of benefits *and costs*, including how much would be out-of-pocket. I've never seen that anywhere else, so it was very refreshing."
  • May 23, 2018
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