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Find the Best Psychologist near you in Renton, WA

Renton, WA has 2091 Psychologist results with an average of 36 years of experience and a total of 395 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 311 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.

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    Featured Results
  • Julie Ann Wilson, MA, LMHC

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychology, Psychoanalyst, Behavioral Health & Social Services

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    2200 6th Ave Ste 606, Seattle, WA 98121 12.38 miles
    Ms. Julie helped me understand myself better than I have before!
  • Benjamin S. Fasbinder

    Family Medicine, Psychology, Primary Care, Mental Health Counseling, Preventative Medicine, Nutrition

    1 Award


    15 Years Experience

    Virtual Visit Available

    1201 Pacific Ave Ste 646, Tacoma, WA 98402 19.85 miles
    Dr Ben is the man! Responsive, caring, and most importantly, he listened and incorporated my thoughts into the plan to move forward.
  • David G Zacharias

    Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Counseling

    1 Award

    Virtual Visit Available

    David G. Zacharias, MD, PS, Seattle, WA 98112 11.99 miles
    Excellent. Compassionate, thoughtful, trustworthy.
  • All Results
  • Jeff Skolnick

    Mental Health Counseling, Addiction Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry

    350 S 38th Ct # 2, Renton, WA 98055 2.80 miles
    Jeff Skolnick, Psychiatrist works in the Renton, WA office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Sarah Pullen

    Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling, Addiction Medicine, Psychology

    600 Oakesdale Avenue SW #104, Renton, WA 98057 2.93 miles
  • Maya Sanchez

    Psychology, Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry

    350 S 38th Ct # 2, Renton, WA 98055 2.80 miles
    Maya Sanchez, Counselor works in the Renton, WA office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Wendy Long

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    350 S 38th Ct # 2, Renton, WA 98055 2.80 miles
    Wendy Long, Counselor works in the Renton, WA office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Rommark Manlimos

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    350 S 38th Ct # 2, Renton, WA 98055 2.80 miles
    Rommark Manlimos, Counselor works in the Renton, WA office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Rae Ann Hahn

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychology, Psychiatry

    350 S 38th Ct # 2, Renton, WA 98055 2.80 miles
    Rae Ann Hahn, Counselor works in the Renton, WA office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Lisa Dean

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    350 S 38th Ct # 2, Renton, WA 98055 2.80 miles
    Lisa Dean, Counselor works in the Renton, WA office at LifeStance.Areas of Expertise: Anxiety, Childhood Behavior Issues, Depression, Grief, PTSD/Trauma, Women's Issues.
    ... View Profile
  • Jennifer Sachek

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychology

    600 Oakesdale Avenue SW #104, Renton, WA 98057 2.93 miles
    Jen Sachek, Psychologist works in the Renton, WA office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Veronica Friang

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    600 Oakesdale Avenue SW #104, Renton, WA 98057 2.93 miles
    Veronica (Roni) Friang, Counselor works in the Renton, WA office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Christina Sand

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    600 Oakesdale Avenue SW #104, Renton, WA 98057 2.93 miles
    Christina Sand, Counselor works in the Renton, WA office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Veronica Diaz

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    600 Oakesdale Avenue SW #104, Renton, WA 98057 2.93 miles
    Veronica Diaz, Counselor works in the Renton, WA office at LifeStance.Areas of Expertise: Anxiety, Depression, Psychosis/Schizophrenia, PTSD/Trauma, Women's Issues.
    ... View Profile
  • Valerie Castillo

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychology, Psychiatry

    600 Oakesdale Avenue SW #104, Renton, WA 98057 2.93 miles
    Valerie Castillo, Counselor works in the Renton, WA office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Jennifer Moore

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    600 Oakesdale Avenue SW #104, Renton, WA 98057 2.93 miles
    Jennifer Moore, Counselor works in the Renton, WA office at LifeStance.Areas of Expertise: Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Midlife Transitions, PTSD/Trauma.
    ... View Profile
  • Mimi Ogasawara Whitehead

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    600 Oakesdale Avenue SW #104, Renton, WA 98057 2.93 miles
    Mimi Ogasawara-Whitehead, Counselor works in the Renton, WA office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Marny Saunier

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    600 Oakesdale Avenue SW #104, Renton, WA 98057 2.93 miles
    Marny Saunier, Counselor works in the Renton, WA office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Cathi Korth


    600 Oakesdale Ave SW Ste 104, Renton, WA 98057 2.92 miles
    Dr. Korth works in Renton, WA and specializes in Psychology.
  • Mari Elizabeth Yamamoto


    64 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 1.74 miles
    Mari was really pleasant and easy to talk with.Very patients really took the time to listen to you.
    ... View Profile
  • Pelin H Hattatoglu


    1211 N 32nd St, Renton, WA 98056 3.26 miles
    Dr. Hattatoglu is a wonderful therapist who changed my life completely. She is smart, insightful, and understanding. I'm lucky to have found her.
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