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Find the Best Psychologist near you in Cincinnati, OH

Cincinnati, OH has 1327 Psychologist results with an average of 40 years of experience and a total of 197 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 207 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.

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  • Cleopatra Enakhena

    Psychology, Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling, Behavioral Health & Social Services

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    Fairfield, OH 45014 12.87 miles
    I am a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Licensed in the state of Ohio.I have been in the nursing field for several years now.
    ... View Profile
  • All Results
  • Sarah Margaret Knox

    Psychiatry, Psychology

    44 Years Experience

    4090 Rose Hill Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45229 0.81 miles
    Dr. Knox graduated from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in 1980. She works in Cincinnati, OH and specializes in Psychiatry and Psychology.
  • James Harold Thomas

    Psychiatry, Neurology, Psychology

    48 Years Experience

    3188 Bellevue Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45219 1.34 miles
    People with severe bipolar or any related symptoms/conditions won’t be able to find a better psychiatrist
  • Gail Austing Barker

    Psychiatry, Neurology, Psychology

    44 Years Experience

    3001 Highland Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45219 1.52 miles
    Dr. Barker graduated from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in 1980.She works in Cincinnati, OH and specializes in Psychiatry, Neurology and Psychology.
    ... View Profile
  • Peter A Dillon


    222 Piedmont Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45219 1.40 miles
    Dr. Dillon works in Cincinnati, OH and 1 other location and specializes in Psychology. Dr. Dillon is affiliated with University Of Cincinnati Medical Center.
  • Ravi Bhushan Berry

    Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology

    57 Years Experience

    3188 Bellevue Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45219 1.34 miles
    Dr. Berry graduated from the Government Medical College Amritsar,Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine in 1967.
    ... View Profile
  • Amanda L Stein


    14 Years Experience

    3120 BURNET AVE STE 304, CINCINNATI, OH 45229 1.39 miles
    Dr. Stein graduated from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in 2010. She works in CINCINNATI, OH and specializes in Psychology.
  • Paul Kovach

    Psychology, Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry

    2135 Dana Ave Ste 220, Cincinnati, OH 45207 2.15 miles
    Paul Kovach, Counselor works in the Cincinnati, OH office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Hannah Wilson

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychology

    2135 Dana Ave Ste 220, Cincinnati, OH 45207 2.15 miles
    Hannah Wilson, Psychologist works in the Cincinnati, OH office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Haley Dobrzynski

    Psychology, Mental Health Counseling

    2135 Dana Ave Ste 220, Cincinnati, OH 45207 2.15 miles
    LifeStance in Cincinnati, OH provides counseling and therapy online or in person.Also, psychiatry and medication management are available by video.The choice is yours.
    ... View Profile
  • Aarin Cox

    Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Counseling

    2135 Dana Ave Ste 220, Cincinnati, OH 45207 2.15 miles
    Aarin Cox, Counselor works in the Cincinnati, OH office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Heather Gross

    Psychology, Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling

    2135 Dana Ave Ste 220, Cincinnati, OH 45207 2.15 miles
    Heather Gross, Counselor works in the Cincinnati, OH office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Maneesha Verma

    Psychology, Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling

    2135 Dana Ave Ste 220, Cincinnati, OH 45207 2.15 miles
    Maneesha Verma, Counselor works in the Cincinnati, OH office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Clinton Symons

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    2135 Dana Ave Ste 220, Cincinnati, OH 45207 2.15 miles
    Clinton Symons, Counselor works in the Cincinnati, OH office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Harris Samantha

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    2135 Dana Ave Ste 220, Cincinnati, OH 45207 2.15 miles
    Samantha Harris, Counselor works in the Cincinnati, OH office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Ann Stromberg

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    2135 Dana Ave Ste 220, Cincinnati, OH 45207 2.15 miles
    Ann Stromberg, Counselor works in the Cincinnati, OH office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Ellen Gormley

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    2135 Dana Ave Ste 220, Cincinnati, OH 45207 2.15 miles
    Ellen Gormley, Counselor works in the Cincinnati, OH office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Kristin Emerling

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    2135 Dana Ave Ste 220, Cincinnati, OH 45207 2.15 miles
    Kristin Emerling, Counselor works in the Cincinnati, OH office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Mary Barber

    Mental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology

    2135 Dana Ave Ste 220, Cincinnati, OH 45207 2.15 miles
    Mary Lynn Barber, Counselor works in the Cincinnati, OH office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
  • Karen Byerly-Lamm

    Psychology, Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling

    2135 Dana Ave Ste 220, Cincinnati, OH 45207 2.15 miles
    Karen Byerly-Lamm, Counselor works in the Cincinnati, OH office at LifeStance.
    ... View Profile
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