Psychology, Sleep Medicine, Psychoanalyst, Neuropsychology
Find the Best Psychologist near you in Raleigh, NC
Raleigh, NC has 1797 Psychologist results with an average of 35 years of experience and a total of 231 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 229 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.
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Mental Health Counseling, Child, Teen, and Young Adult Addiction Treatment, Psychology, Child & Adolescent Psychology, Behavioral Health & Social Services, Clinical Social Work
3901 Barrett Drive Ste 100, Raleigh, NC 27609 1.35 miles"I love this group of professionals, they are so kind and welcoming. Give Lifeologie a call, you will be happy you did! "Psychiatry, Psychology, Behavioral Health & Social Services, Mental Health Counseling
Raleigh, NC 27609 1.75 milesBrightside Health is a fully online mental health practice providing life-changing care for anxiety, depression, and related conditions through personalized Psychiatry and Therapy services available to all 50 states. Appointments are available in your area in as little as 24 hours -- including evening, night, and weekend availability. ... View Profile All Results Psychiatry, Neurology, Psychology
4011 WESTCHASE BLVD STE 225, RALEIGH, NC 27607 3.85 milesDr. Grigg graduated from the University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill School of Medicine,University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill School of Medicine in 1971. ... View ProfileMental Health Counseling, Child, Teen, and Young Adult Addiction Treatment, Psychology, Child & Adolescent Psychology, Behavioral Health & Social Services, Clinical Social Work
3901 Barrett Drive Ste 100, Raleigh, NC 27609 1.35 miles"I love this group of professionals, they are so kind and welcoming. Give Lifeologie a call, you will be happy you did! "Psychiatry, Psychology, Behavioral Health & Social Services, Mental Health Counseling
Raleigh, NC 27609 1.75 milesBrightside Health is a fully online mental health practice providing life-changing care for anxiety, depression, and related conditions through personalized Psychiatry and Therapy services available to all 50 states. Appointments are available in your area in as little as 24 hours -- including evening, night, and weekend availability. ... View ProfileAddiction Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling
4030 Wake Forest Rd. Su. 349, Raleigh, NC 27609 2.15 milesDr. Hanson works in Raleigh, NC and specializes in Addiction Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry and Mental Health Counseling. Psychology, Mental Health Counseling
4801 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27612 2.79 milesDr. Bates-Duford graduated from the Ba Ny in 2010. She works in Raleigh, NC and specializes in Psychology and Mental Health Counseling. Mental Health Counseling, Psychology
2300 Rexwoods Dr Ste 140, Raleigh, NC 27607 2.97 milesPeter Panagakis, Psychologist works in the Raleigh, NC office at LifeStance.Areas of Expertise: Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Grief, Men's Issues, PTSD/Trauma. ... View ProfileMental Health Counseling, Psychology
2300 Rexwoods Dr Ste 140, Raleigh, NC 27607 2.97 milesKirk Mochrie, Psychologist works in the Raleigh, NC office at LifeStance.Areas of Expertise: ADHD, Alcohol and Drug Use Issues, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD/Trauma. ... View ProfilePsychology, Mental Health Counseling
2300 Rexwoods Dr Ste 140, Raleigh, NC 27607 2.97 milesLindsay Underwood, Psychologist works in the Raleigh, NC office at LifeStance. ... View ProfileMental Health Counseling, Psychology, Psychiatry
2300 Rexwoods Dr Ste 140, Raleigh, NC 27607 2.97 milesIreland Gibbs, Counselor works in the Raleigh, NC office at LifeStance. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Counseling
2300 Rexwoods Dr Ste 140, Raleigh, NC 27607 2.97 milesFay White, Counselor works in the Raleigh, NC office at LifeStance. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Counseling
2300 Rexwoods Dr Ste 140, Raleigh, NC 27607 2.97 milesChaila Yarborough, Counselor works in the Raleigh, NC office at LifeStance. ... View ProfileMental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology
2300 Rexwoods Dr Ste 140, Raleigh, NC 27607 2.97 milesMindi Perry, Counselor works in the Raleigh, NC office at LifeStance. ... View ProfileMental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology
2300 Rexwoods Dr Ste 140, Raleigh, NC 27607 2.97 milesHayley Rhodes, Counselor works in the Raleigh, NC office at LifeStance.Areas of Expertise: ADHD, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Grief, PTSD/Trauma, Women's Issues. ... View ProfileMental Health Counseling, Psychology, Psychiatry
2300 Rexwoods Dr Ste 140, Raleigh, NC 27607 2.97 milesRobert Buerkens, Counselor works in the Raleigh, NC office at LifeStance. ... View ProfileMental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology
2300 Rexwoods Dr Ste 140, Raleigh, NC 27607 2.97 milesPatricia Lytwyn, Counselor works in the Raleigh, NC office at LifeStance. ... View ProfileMental Health Counseling, Psychology, Psychiatry
2300 Rexwoods Dr Ste 140, Raleigh, NC 27607 2.97 milesRobert Townsend, Counselor works in the Raleigh, NC office at LifeStance.Areas of Expertise: Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, PTSD/Trauma. ... View ProfileMental Health Counseling, Psychiatry, Psychology
2300 Rexwoods Dr Ste 140, Raleigh, NC 27607 2.97 milesMary Stanley, Counselor works in the Raleigh, NC office at LifeStance. ... View ProfilePsychology
8303 Six Forks Rd Ste 207, Raleigh, NC 27615 5.41 miles"I love Dr. Roddenberry.Working with her has given me a fresh lease on life.I feel more confident because she taught me things I could do when my feelings got to be too much. ... View Profile"Psychology
4601 Lake Boone Trl Ste 2C, Raleigh, NC 27607 3.35 milesDr. Mcclure works in Raleigh, NC and 1 other location and specializes in Psychology. Psychology, Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine, Neurology
6112 SAINT GILES ST, RALEIGH, NC 27612 4.20 milesDr. Book graduated from the Mercer University School of Medicine,Mercer University School of Medicine in 1996. ... View ProfilePsychology, Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
3019 Falstaff Rd, Raleigh, NC 27610 4.20 milesDr. Cornwall graduated from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in 1970. ... View Profile
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