Psychiatry, Psychology, Behavioral Health & Social Services, Mental Health Counseling
Find the Best Psychologist near you in San Francisco, CA
San Francisco, CA has 5808 Psychologist results with an average of 34 years of experience and a total of 686 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 616 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.
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- San Francisco, CA 94131 1.97 miles
Brightside Health is a fully online mental health practice providing life-changing care for anxiety, depression, and related conditions through personalized Psychiatry and Therapy services available to all 50 states. Appointments are available in your area in as little as 24 hours -- including evening, night, and weekend availability. ... View Profile Psychology, Psychiatry, Community Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry, Geriatric Medicine, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Behavioral Health & Social Services
21 Tamal Vista Blvd Ste 206, Corte Madera, CA 94925 12.36 milesDR. SHAUNA SPRINGER Dr. SHAUNA SPRINGER is a LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST Co-Founder and Chief Psychologist at Stella Center Hello, I am the Chief Psychologist at Stella Center. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Psychology, Psychoanalyst, Mental Health Counseling
San Francisco, CA 94115 1.43 milesDr. Lydia Breen, MD is a Psychiatry Specialist who specializes in Psychotherapy Treatment for Depression Medication Management Relationship Mediation Dr. Breen creates a comfortable, safe environment where she will work together with you to fulfill your goals. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Behavioral Health & Social Services, Mental Health Counseling, Geriatric Psychiatry, Psychology
490 Harrison Ave Suite 211, San Francisco, CA 94132 2.00 milesChristine Lafferty is dedicated to helping and supporting others in achieving their mental wellness goals using evidence-based practices, a holistic approach, and empathy. ... View ProfilePsychology, Mental Health Counseling, Behavioral Health & Social Services
582 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94104 1.80 milesAmynta Hayenga, Psy.D. "To me, the best therapy is anything that makes your heart sing, your body soften, your wisdom speak, and your mind soar. ... View ProfilePsychology, Behavioral Health & Social Services
San Francisco, CA 94102 1.36 milesDiana Corwin Gordon, Psy.D, is a licensed clinical psychologist in the San Francisco Bay Area, offering empathetic and collaborative therapy. ... View ProfilePsychology
3801 Sacramento St, San Francisco, CA 94118 2.13 milesCHE Behavioral Health Services is a multispecialty clinical group dedicated to increasing access to behavioral and mental health services and to reducing stigma associated with mental health conditions. ... View Profile All Results Psychology, Mental Health Counseling
490 Post St Suite 1043, San Francisco, CA 94102 1.48 miles"I loved working with her for Mindfulness Therapy. "Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychology, Neuropsychology
181 Fremont St, San Francisco, CA 94105 2.04 miles"Parallel Learning offered me an alternative to waiting another year to get my son the support he needed at school.School evaluations only took us so far. ... View Profile"Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Counseling, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Child, Teen, and Young Adult Addiction Treatment, Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health & Social Services, Community Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry, Neuropsychology
5432 Geary Blvd Unit 570, San Francisco, CA 94121 3.21 milesDr. PARVATHI NANJUNDIAH, MD is a BOARD CERTIFIED PSYCHIATRIST OFFERS TELE - PSYCHIATRYDr. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Neurology, Psychology
324 Avila St, San Francisco, CA 94123 2.59 milesDr. Kaufmann graduated from the Stanford University School of Medicine in 1959.She works in San Francisco, CA and specializes in Psychiatry, Neurology and Psychology. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Psychology
5432 Geary Blvd Unit 570, San Francisco, CA 94121 3.21 milesDr. Savant specializes in the treatment of comorbid psychiatric disorders in medically ill patients. ... View ProfilePsychology, Behavioral Health & Social Services
3801 Sacramento St, San Francisco, CA 94118 2.13 miles"this is a test "Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling, Psychology, Addiction Medicine
490 Post St Suite 1043, San Francisco, CA 94102 1.48 milesSuragbhai Gohel, Psychiatrist works in the San Francisco, CA office at LifeStance. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Counseling, Behavioral Health & Social Services, Addiction Medicine
300 Montgomery St Ste 204, San Francisco, CA 94104 1.94 miles"I was looking for a therapist for a while.On the chance that someone did answer the phone they either were not taking new patients or they did not accept my insurance. ... View Profile"Psychology, Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling
2261 Market Street #4058, San Francisco, CA 94114 1.07 miles"He is extremely compassionate. My mental health is improving so much already. "Psychology, Mental Health Counseling
1801 Bush St Ste 233, San Francisco, CA 94109 1.26 miles"Amazing! "Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling, Addiction Medicine, Psychology
490 Post St Suite 1043, San Francisco, CA 94102 1.48 miles"I have seen Dr. Sivia for several years, and she has been a remarkable influence in helping me with PTSD, anxiety disorders issues and severe depression. ... View Profile"Psychology
2075 18TH AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94116 3.19 miles"Gentle & patient, kind & compassionate - a true professional. With a light touch he subtly guides you through your journey of self awareness & healing. ... View Profile"Psychiatry, Psychology
3609 Sacramento St, San Francisco, CA 94118 2.01 milesDr. Terman graduated from the University of Iowa in 1975. He works in San Francisco, CA and specializes in Psychiatry and Psychology. Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling, Psychology, Addiction Medicine
490 Post St Suite 1043, San Francisco, CA 94102 1.48 milesRonnie Cummings, Psychiatrist works in the San Francisco, CA office at LifeStance. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Counseling, Community Psychiatry, Behavioral Health & Social Services, Geriatric Psychiatry, Psychoanalyst, Forensic Psychiatry, Neuropsychology
5432 Geary Blvd Unit 570, San Francisco, CA 94121 3.21 miles"Doctor Rastgar is fantastic.He is caring, listens well, and very knowledgeable in his field. ... View Profile"Psychiatry, Psychology
5432 Geary Blvd Ste 570, San Francisco, CA 94121 3.10 milesDr. Licorish graduated from the Keck School of Medicine of The University of Southern California in 2017.He works in San Francisco, CA and specializes in Psychiatry and Psychology. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Psychology
3628 Sacramento St Ste A, San Francisco, CA 94118 2.04 milesDr. Gann graduated from the Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons in 1971. He works in San Francisco, CA and specializes in Psychiatry and Psychology. Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Counseling, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Behavioral Health & Social Services, Geriatric Psychiatry, Community Psychiatry
5432 Geary Blvd Unit 570, San Francisco, CA 94121 3.21 miles"Such a wonderful doctor. Finally I met with a doctor who can take care of my mental health. "Psychology, Mental Health Counseling
582 Market St Ste 1203, San Francisco, CA 94104 1.80 miles"This individual is dependable, reliable, professional and always puts the patients first. "Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine, Child, Teen, and Young Adult Addiction Treatment, Psychology
1996 Union St, San Francisco, CA 94123 1.99 miles"Dr. Appasani is the first doctor that I felt truly cared about who I was holistically as a person. ... View Profile"Psychology, Psychiatry
3405 Sacramento St, San Francisco, CA 94118 1.88 milesDr. Friedlander graduated from the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine in 2003. ... View Profile
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