Find the Best Psychiatrist near you in Seattle, WA
Seattle, WA has 1724 Psychiatrist results with an average of 29 years of experience and a total of 4322 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 557 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.
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Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling, Geriatric Psychiatry, Nurse Practitioner
950 Broadway Ste 404, Tacoma, WA 98402 24.68 miles"I found Lucy at a very challenging time when I really needed help and direction after a divorce. ... View Profile"Speech Pathology, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychiatry
1455 NW Leary Way Ste 400, Seattle, WA 98107 4.68 miles"I was a patient with Spark for Myofunctional Therapy in 2023-2024.Leslie was my provider, and my experience with her was fantastic. ... View Profile"Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Community Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry
Seattle, WA 98126 6.04 miles"Dr. Swapna helped me realize my full potential. "Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling
4730 UNIVERSITY WAY NE, Seattle, WA 98105 4.22 miles"Dr. Bostic is a great doctor, thorough with her work. Always on time and flexible with booking times. "Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Counseling
David G. Zacharias, MD, PS, Seattle, WA 98112 3.11 miles"Excellent. Compassionate, thoughtful, trustworthy. "Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling, Addiction Medicine, Child, Teen, and Young Adult Addiction Treatment, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
4030 Lake Washington Blvd NE Ste 303, Kirkland, WA 98033 6.74 milesDr. Massoud Stephane is a Psychiatrist in Washington who has been practicing since 2019. ... View ProfilePsychiatry
748 Market St Ste 210, Tacoma, WA 98402 24.66 miles"I just had my appointment with Dr. Neal and wow!Just wow!Finally found someone who I can easily connect with, communicate with and is respectful of my opinions. ... View Profile" All Results Psychiatry
625 32nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98122 1.76 milesDr. Doumit works in Kirkland, WA and 1 other location and specializes in Psychiatry. Dr. Doumit is affiliated with Multicare Yakima Memorial. Geriatric Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry
1730 MINOR AVE STE 400, SEATTLE, WA 98101 0.92 milesDr.Waghray currently serves in the capacity of Medical Director for Behavioral Health at Swedish Medical Center ,overseeing the Inpatient and Consultative Psychiatric services. Epileptology, Neurology, Psychiatry, Clinical Neurophysiology
325 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 0.22 miles"Dr. Vossler is the most caring and supportive neurologist you can find. ... View Profile"Psychiatry, Neurology
325 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 0.22 milesDr. Mitchell graduated from the University of South Alabama College of Medicine in 1981.He works in Seattle, WA and 1 other location and specializes in Psychiatry and Neurology. ... View ProfileNeurology, Psychiatry
904 7th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 0.24 milesIn my spare time I enjoy golf, skiing, fly fishing and watching my son play baseball. Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Counseling
David G. Zacharias, MD, PS, Seattle, WA 98112 3.11 miles"Excellent. Compassionate, thoughtful, trustworthy. "Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Orthopedic Surgery, Psychiatry
601 Broadway Ste 700, Seattle, WA 98122 0.45 miles"Dr. Young carefully reviewed my history and clearly explained my treatment options. I appreciated her friendly and respectful manner. Highly recommended! "Psychiatry, Integrative Medicine, Medical Genetics, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
901 Boren Ave Ste 702, Seattle, WA 98104 0.05 milesTeleMedicine Provider | Open NowDr.Scott Wiener uses a modern approach to mental health. ... View ProfilePhysical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Psychiatry
325 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 0.22 milesDr. Herring graduated from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Medical School in 1979. ... View ProfileOncology, Neurology, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine
1221 Madison St Fl 4, Seattle, WA 98104 0.05 milesDr. Benkers graduated from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in 2007. ... View ProfilePublic Health & General Preventive Medicine, Psychiatry
1511 3rd Ave Ste 1018, Seattle, WA 98101 0.57 miles"I have been seeing Dr. Martini for 5+ years now, and he and his office staff, Vanessa, are some of the best healthcare professionals I've ever been lucky enough to find - and I've seen several before. ... View Profile"Psychiatry
901 Boren Ave Ste 1910, Seattle, WA 98104 0.39 milesDr. Haven graduated from the University of Missouri Columbia School of Medicine in 1989. He works in Seattle, WA and specializes in Psychiatry. Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatry, Behavioral Health & Social Services, Child & Adolescent Psychology, Geriatric Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling, Adolescent Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Addiction Medicine, Sleep Medicine
Seattle, WA 98121 0.93 miles"She's been a big help with the problems I've had lately, and her advice is both caring and useful. "Family Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Psychiatry, Naturopathy
300 Lenora St # 1350, Seattle, WA 98121 0.92 miles"She was kind, empathetic, and a great listener! "Psychiatry, Nurse Practitioner
1100 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98101 0.57 miles"Easy to talk to, very knowledgeable. "Psychiatry, Pain Medicine, Neurology
550 17th Ave Ste 400, Seattle, WA 98122 0.79 milesDr. Elena Robinson has over 25 years of experience treating patients in the Pacific Northwest. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Neurology
1505 Westlake Ave N Ste 920, Seattle, WA 98109 2.09 miles"Dr. Lemberg has done a great job of diagnosing and treating my anxiety and depression. ... View Profile"Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Counseling, Behavioral Health & Social Services, Addiction Medicine
2101 4th Ave Ste 1850, Seattle, WA 98121 0.96 miles"I was looking for a therapist for a while.On the chance that someone did answer the phone they either were not taking new patients or they did not accept my insurance. ... View Profile"Speech Pathology, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychiatry
1455 NW Leary Way Ste 400, Seattle, WA 98107 4.68 miles"I was a patient with Spark for Myofunctional Therapy in 2023-2024.Leslie was my provider, and my experience with her was fantastic. ... View Profile"Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Counseling, Psychoanalyst, Nurse Practitioner
101 Elliott Ave W, Seattle, WA 98119 1.78 miles"Mr. Gabriel Obu showed during consultations that he is a very knowledgeable professional. He is receptive, polite, and a good listener. He provided useful guidance "Psychiatry, Neurology
747 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122 0.50 milesDr. Sherman graduated from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1972.He works in Seattle, WA and specializes in Psychiatry and Neurology. ... View ProfileNeurology, Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
325 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 0.22 milesDr. Zarkowski graduated from the Saba University School of Medicine in 1997. ... View Profile
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