Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine, Geriatric Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling, Child, Teen, and Young Adult Addiction Treatment, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Find the Best Psychiatrist near you in Fairfax, VA
Fairfax, VA has 3275 Psychiatrist results with an average of 33 years of experience and a total of 10160 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 1135 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.
- Featured Results
Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Community Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry, Child, Teen, and Young Adult Addiction Treatment, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
6760 Old McLean Village Dr, McLean, VA 22101 9.55 milesDr. ZAFAR A. RASHEED, MD is a BOARD CERTIFIED CHILD, ADOLESCENT & ADULT PSYCHIATRIST Dr Rasheed is a psychiatrist in McLean, VA who specializes in comprehensive psychiatric care for all ages. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Psychology, Neuropsychology
3930 Pender Dr Ste 350, Fairfax, VA 22030 1.02 milesPaul Ruberg, PA-C , is a dedicated BOARD-CERTIFIED Physician Assistant , bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to his role at NeuroPsych Wellness Center in Fairfax City . At NeuroPsych Wellness Center , Paul's approach to patient care is characterized by its holistic nature, blending evidence-based medical interventions with a focus on promoting healthy lifestyle measures. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling, Addiction Medicine, Child, Teen, and Young Adult Addiction Treatment, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
1360 Beverly Rd Ste 200, McLean, VA 22101 9.43 miles"Dr. Cyr is the best psychiatrist I have worked with in my life (and I am a therapist so I am picky). ... View Profile"Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry
6849 Old Dominion Dr Ste 315, McLean, VA 22101 9.26 miles"I highly recommend McLean Neuropsychiatric Treatment Center to anyone looking for exceptional mental healthcare.Dr. Haq is knowledgeable and has outstanding bedside manner. ... View Profile"Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling, Addiction Medicine, Child, Teen, and Young Adult Addiction Treatment, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
12007 Sunrise Valley Dr Ste 300, Reston, VA 20191 7.11 milesDr. Milt Anderson is a Psychiatrist in Virginia who has been practicing since 1992. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Mental Health Counseling, Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health & Social Services
Waldorf, MD 20603 24.11 miles"Cynthia is wonderful.She is professional, caring, and a great listener.She helped find a path of treatment that has relieved me of long-standing issues. ... View Profile"Psychiatry, Mental Health Counseling, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
2800 Eisenhower Ave Ste 220, Alexandria, VA 22314 12.78 milesHello, I'm Dr. Christopher Jackson , a dedicated psychiatrist who founded Empathy Wellness Center to help individuals achieve optimal well-being, free from judgment or inequity. ... View Profile All Results Psychiatry, Neuropsychology, Psychology
3930 Pender Dr Ste 350, Fairfax, VA 22030 1.02 miles"Dr Raja has always been very kind and extremely professional.I am very impressed with Dr Raja's clinical approach and making sure her patients are comfortable with the treatment. ... View Profile"Neurology, Psychiatry
3020 Hamaker Ct Ste 400, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.31 miles"Years ago Dr Andrew Schiavone, MD who was treating me for fibromyalgia referred me to Dr James Simsarian, MD & I found him, his staff & Fairfax Radiology to be above satisfactory in their expertise, friendliness, & Dr Simsarian superior in his standards of care. ... View Profile"Adolescent Medicine, Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
11204 Waples Mill Rd, Fairfax, VA 22030 1.30 milesDr. Thomas graduated from the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences,Goa Medical College in 1995. ... View ProfileNeurology, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Sleep Medicine
3020 Hamaker Ct Ste 400, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.31 milesDr. Cho graduated from the Sidney Kimmel Medical College At Thomas Jefferson University in 2003. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
8280 WILLOW OAKS CORPORATE DR STE 605, FAIRFAX, VA 22031 4.66 miles"I recommend Dr.Kronen for ANY CHILD/possibly adult as well.He’s very professional, he know the books , the mind and he’s very knowledgeable. ... View Profile"Psychiatry, Neurology, Sleep Medicine
8500 Executive Park Ave Ste 200, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.27 milesDr. Bajpai graduated from the Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College & Hospital,Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College in 2000. ... View ProfileEpileptology, Neurology, Psychiatry, Clinical Neurophysiology
3020 Hamaker Ct Ste 400, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.31 miles"Dr. Churchill is very smart and kind. He is also very prompt in responding to emails. I highly recommend, especially if you are struggling with migraines. "Adolescent Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
3020 Hamaker Ct Ste 200, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.31 milesYale College, B.A. cum laude, 1965 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia U. NY, NY 1969 Residencies in Pediatrics and Psychiatry, Babies Hospital and NY Psychiatric Institute, 1969-1972 Private Practice, Ambulatory Pediatrics, San Rafael, Ca. 1973-1986 Private Practice, Ambulatory Pediatrics, Virginia Pediatric Group, Fairfax, Va. 1987-present ... View ProfileNeurology, Psychiatry
3020 Hamaker Ct Ste 400, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.31 miles"Dr. Candace is genuinely a caring person and skilled doctor She has been treating me successfully after 4 other doctors failed me.She knows me and calls me by my name which is very important for me. ... View Profile"Psychiatry, Clinical Neurophysiology, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
3023 Hamaker Ct, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.33 milesDr. Robb is a psychopharmacologist with ongoing research studies in mood disorders, schizophrenia, and post traumatic stress disorder. ... View ProfileFamily Medicine, Psychiatry
3650 Joseph Siewick Dr Ste 400, Fairfax, VA 22033 4.30 milesKathryn Hare, MD joined Fairfax Family Practice in 2006. She earned her medical degree from Georgetown University School of Medicine. Forensic Psychiatry, Psychiatry
8550 Arlington Blvd Ste 300, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.22 miles"I went to Dr. Trachman over a decade ago, and was very pleased with her help. ... View Profile"Neurology, Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
8500 Executive Park Ave Ste 202, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.41 milesDr. Mushref graduated from the University of Damascus Faculty of Medicine in 1989. ... View ProfileNeurology, Psychiatry
3020 Hamaker Ct Ste 400, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.31 milesDr. Dietz graduated from the Georgetown University School of Medicine,Georgetown University School of Medicine in 2000. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Neurology, Addiction Medicine
8500 Executive Park Ave Ste 200, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.27 milesDr. Segall graduated from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health in 1975. ... View ProfilePsychiatry
11211 Waples Mill Rd Ste 150, Fairfax, VA 22030 1.37 miles"Love her grate doctor "Psychiatry, Neurology
8303 Arlington Blvd Ste 205, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.52 milesDr. Apud graduated from the Universidad Nacional De Tucuman Facultad De Medicina in 1975.He works in Fairfax, VA and specializes in Psychiatry and Neurology. ... View ProfilePsychiatry
8221 Willow Oaks Corporate Dr, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.49 milesMy approach to care has always been focused on communication and collaboration with patients to achieve their goals. ... View ProfilePsychiatry, Neurology, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
8500 Executive Park Ave Ste 200, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.27 milesDr. Mcmurrer works in Fairfax, VA and specializes in Psychiatry, Neurology and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Psychiatry
8221 Willow Oaks Corporate Dr, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.49 milesDr. Kasem graduated from the Assiut University Faculty of Medicine in 1993.She works in Washington, DC and 4 other locations and specializes in Psychiatry. ... View ProfileNeurology, Psychiatry, Clinical Neurophysiology
3020 Hamaker Ct Ste 400, Fairfax, VA 22031 4.31 miles"I have to say that I was very reassured during my visit with Dr. Castro.He was attentive, thoughtful in his explanations, listened to my concerns, and addressed my worries. ... View Profile"Adolescent Medicine, Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
11204 Waples Mill Rd, Fairfax, VA 22030 1.30 milesDr. Hussain graduated from the Khyber Medical College in 1994. ... View Profile
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