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Find the Best Psychiatrist near you in Birmingham, AL

Birmingham, AL has 403 Psychiatrist results with an average of 29 years of experience and a total of 1938 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 173 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.

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  • Jane Pearson

    Neurology, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine

    50 Years Experience

    2660 10th Ave S Ste 520A, Birmingham, AL 35205 0.82 miles
    Dr. Pearson is an outstanding neurologist who is extremely knowledgeable and keeps current with the latest research.She is very matter of fact in communicating with patients.
    ... View Profile
  • Godehard Oepen

    Psychiatry, Neurology

    50 Years Experience

    2204 Lakeshore Dr, Birmingham, AL 35209 2.62 miles
    Profoundly insightful and kind, open-minded, comforting and reassuring.
    ... View Profile
  • Victor Wai-Da Sung

    Neurology, Psychiatry

    19 Years Experience

    1720 7th Ave S Ste 350, Birmingham, AL 35233 0.35 miles
    Dr. Sung graduated from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Medical School in 2005.
    ... View Profile
  • Snehal Abdullah Khatri

    Psychiatry, Pediatrics

    26 Years Experience

    930 20th St S Bldg 20 Ste 140, Birmingham, AL 35205 0.21 miles
    Dr. Khatri graduated from the University of Alabama School of Medicine in 1998.She works in Birmingham, AL and 6 other locations and specializes in Psychiatry and Pediatrics.
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  • Natividad Perez Stover

    Neurology, Psychiatry

    39 Years Experience

    1720 7th Ave S Ste 350, Birmingham, AL 35233 0.35 miles
    Dr. Stover graduated from the Universidad De Alcala Facultad De Medicina in 1985.She works in Birmingham, AL and 3 other locations and specializes in Neurology and Psychiatry.
    ... View Profile
  • Terri Sue Steele


    38 Years Experience

    1802 6th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35233 0.45 miles
    Dr. Steele graduated from the University of South Alabama College of Medicine in 1986. She works in Birmingham, AL and 1 other location and specializes in Psychiatry.
  • Rachel L Fargason


    37 Years Experience

    1720 7th Ave S Fl 9, Birmingham, AL 35233 0.35 miles
    I was experiencing mild depression due to my primary care-giver status for my parents. Dr. Fargason listened and spent time talking with me. She was quite helpful.
  • Harrison Carroll Walker

    Neurology, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine

    22 Years Experience

    1720 7th Ave S Ste 350, Birmingham, AL 35233 0.35 miles
    Dr. Walker graduated from the University of Alabama School of Medicine,University of Alabama School of Medicine in 2002.
    ... View Profile
  • Lee Ian Ascherman

    Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

    42 Years Experience

    1600 7th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35233 0.41 miles
    Dr. Ascherman graduated from the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in 1982.
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  • Santosh Kumar Pillai


    16 Years Experience

    601 Beacon Parkway W Ste 201, Birmingham, AL 35209 2.10 miles
    Dr. Pillai graduated from the A T Still University Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2008.He works in Birmingham, AL and specializes in Psychiatry.
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  • Mark Alan Patterson

    Vascular Surgery, Surgery, Psychiatry

    30 Years Experience

    700 19th St S, Birmingham, AL 35233 0.35 miles
    Dr. Patterson graduated from the Wake Forest School of Medicine in 1994.
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  • Talene Alene Yacoubian

    Neurology, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine

    23 Years Experience

    1720 7th Ave S Ste 350, Birmingham, AL 35233 0.35 miles
    Dr. Yacoubian graduated from the Duke University School of Medicine in 2001.
    ... View Profile
  • Daniel Carl Dahl

    Neurology, Psychiatry, Surgery

    38 Years Experience

    700 19th St S, Birmingham, AL 35233 0.35 miles
    Dr. Dahl graduated from the University of Nebraska College of Medicine in 1986.He works in Tuskegee, AL and 1 other location and specializes in Neurology, Psychiatry and Surgery.
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  • Luis Francisco Pineda

    Oncology, Hematology, Psychiatry

    50 Years Experience

    1201 11th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35205 0.48 miles
    Dr. Pineda graduated from the Universidad De San Carlos Facultad De Ciencias Medicas in 1974.
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  • Praveen Jetty

    Psychiatry, Neurology

    40 Years Experience

    401 Tuscaloosa Ave SW Ste 110, Birmingham, AL 35211 2.28 miles
    Dr. Jetty graduated from the Kurnool Medical College in 1984.He works in Birmingham, AL and 1 other location and specializes in Psychiatry and Neurology.
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  • Madison Bates Redwine


    30 Years Experience

    1717 6th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35233 0.42 miles
    Dr. Redwine graduated from the Medical College of Georgia At Georgia Regents University in 1994.He works in Birmingham, AL and specializes in Psychiatry.
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  • Johnny Williamson

    Psychiatry, Neurology, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

    27 Years Experience

    5101 CYRUS CIR, BIRMINGHAM, AL 35242 8.64 miles
    Dr. Williamson is board certified in General Psychiatry, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
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  • Francisca Izukanachi Mgbodile

    Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

    32 Years Experience

    1600 7th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35233 0.41 miles
    Dr. Mgbodile graduated from the University of Nigeria Faculty of Medicine in 1992.
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  • Christopher Simon Stanley

    Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

    20 Years Experience

    2200 Lakeshore Dr Ste 150, Birmingham, AL 35209 2.17 miles
    Dr. Stanley graduated from the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Columbia in 2004.
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  • Elton Lynn Hurst

    Psychiatry, Neurology

    51 Years Experience

    3690 Grandview Pkwy, Birmingham, AL 35243 6.64 miles
    Dr. Hurst graduated from the University of Alabama School of Medicine,University of Alabama School of Medicine in 1973.
    ... View Profile
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