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Find the Best Orthodontist near you in Schaumburg, IL

Schaumburg, IL has 485 Orthodontist results with an average of 33 years of experience and a total of 781 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 83 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.

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  • Jose A Chacon

    Dentistry, Orthodontics

    2 Woodfield Mall, Schaumburg, IL 60173 2.36 miles
    Dr. Jose Chacon received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery in South America, at the University of the Andes, Venezuela.
    ... View Profile
  • Dhaval Mahesh Patel

    Dentistry, Orthodontics

    501 W Golf Rd Ste B, Schaumburg, IL 60195 0.46 miles
    Dr. Patel graduated from the Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center.
    ... View Profile
  • Andrew E Chung

    Dentistry, Orthodontics

    1320 American Ln, Schaumburg, IL 60173 1.74 miles
    Dr. Chung works in Chicago, IL and 29 other locations and specializes in Dentistry and Orthodontics.
  • Kathryn Edgcomb

    Orthodontics, Dentistry

    80 W Hillcrest Blvd Ste 212, Schaumburg, IL 60195 1.01 miles
    Dr. Edgcomb works in Schaumburg, IL and specializes in Orthodontics and Dentistry.
  • Joseph George Kunnel

    Dentistry, Orthodontics

    1061 S Roselle Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60193 2.77 miles
    Dr. Joseph Kunnel completed his dental education and then a Residency in Advanced General Dentistry and Masters degree in Biomaterials at Northwestern University Dental School in Chicago.
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  • Emily Elizabeth Wible

    Orthodontics, Dentistry

    12 S Roselle Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60193 1.48 miles
    Dr. Wible works in South Elgin, IL and 2 other locations and specializes in Orthodontics and Dentistry.
  • Dana Evan Fender

    Orthodontics, Dentistry

    12 S ROSELLE RD, SCHAUMBURG, IL 60193 1.48 miles
    Dr. Fender works in Douglas, GA and 62 other locations and specializes in Orthodontics and Dentistry.
  • Ryan K Hurley

    Dentistry, Orthodontics

    12 S Roselle Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60193 1.48 miles
    We're not just straightening teeth.We're changing lives.At Smile Doctors Braces, our purpose is your smile.
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  • Katharine Emilia Stevens

    Dentistry, Orthodontics

    1320 American Ln, Schaumburg, IL 60173 1.74 miles
    Dr. Stevens works in Chicago, IL and 2 other locations and specializes in Dentistry and Orthodontics.
  • Lauren L Pass

    Orthodontics, Dentistry

    1320 American Ln, Schaumburg, IL 60173 1.74 miles
    Dr. Pass works in Plainfield, IL and 4 other locations and specializes in Orthodontics and Dentistry.
  • Tzong-Guang P Tsay


    1320 American Ln, Schaumburg, IL 60173 1.74 miles
    Dr. Tsay works in Plainfield, IL and 25 other locations and specializes in Orthodontics.
  • Tsay Tzong-Guang


    1320 American Ln, Schaumburg, IL 60173 1.74 miles
    Dr. Tzong-Guang works in Tinley Park, IL and 5 other locations and specializes in Orthodontics.
  • Tsay Tzong


    1320 American Ln, Schaumburg, IL 60173 1.74 miles
    Dr. Tzong works in Crystal Lake, IL and 13 other locations and specializes in Orthodontics.
  • Guloy Robertzon


    1320 American Ln, Schaumburg, IL 60173 1.74 miles
    Dr. Robertzon works in Crystal Lake, IL and 13 other locations and specializes in Orthodontics.
  • Kwang Kyun Chang

    Dentistry, Orthodontics

    1320 American Ln, Schaumburg, IL 60173 1.74 miles
    Dr. Chang works in Chicago, IL and 38 other locations and specializes in Dentistry and Orthodontics.
  • Katharine Stevens

    Dentistry, Orthodontics

    1320 American Ln, Schaumburg, IL 60173 1.74 miles
    Dr. Stevens works in Arlington Heights, IL and 20 other locations and specializes in Dentistry and Orthodontics.
  • Michael B Albazzaz

    Dentistry, Orthodontics

    1320 American Ln, Schaumburg, IL 60173 1.74 miles
    Dr. Albazzaz works in Chicago, IL and 25 other locations and specializes in Dentistry and Orthodontics.
  • Deanne M Schmidt

    Orthodontics, Dentistry

    1340 E WOODFIELD RD, SCHAUMBURG, IL 60173 2.20 miles
    Deanne Schmidt, D.D.S. B.S. Loyola University – 1985 D.D.S. University of Illinois – 1989 Post Graduate Orthodontic Residency University of Pennsylvania – 1992 Practice of Orthodontics Northbrook & Glenview – 1992-1993 Private Practice in Algonquin since 1993 Private Practice in Cary since 2006 Affiliations American Association of Orthodontists Illinois Society of Orthodontists American Dental Association McHenry County Dental Society Northern Illinois Dental Specialists Study Club since 1997 Algonquin/LITH Chamber of Commerce Cary Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors – Bears Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation – 1993-2001 Dr. Schmidt, a mother of two, enjoys gardening, biking, hiking and skiing.
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  • Kimberly Smith

    Dentistry, Orthodontics

    2 Woodfield Mall, Schaumburg, IL 60173 2.36 miles
    Dr. Smith works in Crystal Lake, IL and 18 other locations and specializes in Dentistry and Orthodontics.
  • Corey S Jones


    2 Woodfield Mall, Schaumburg, IL 60173 2.36 miles
    Dr. Jones works in Chicago, IL and 19 other locations and specializes in Orthodontics.
  • Matthew J Busch

    Orthodontics, Dentistry

    1701 E Woodfield Rd Ste 500, Schaumburg, IL 60173 2.54 miles
    Matthew J. Busch, D.D.S. D.D.S. from the University of Illinois College of Dentistry — 1991 Degree in Orthodontics from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine — 1999 Postdoctoral Orthodontics Award for Research Presentation, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine — 1999 Served in United States Navy Dental Corps — 1991 through 1997 (promoted to Lieutenant Commander); received two Navy Achievement Medals and the Humanitarian Service Medal in U.S. Navy Lecturer and Clinical instructor for Hospital Corpsman and Undersea Medical Officers at the Naval Undersea Medical Institute, Groton, CT Lecturer and Clinical instructor for American Heart Association Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course at U.S. Naval Hospital — Guam Received the Comprehensive Dental Award, University of Illinois College of Dentistry — 1991 Professional memberships include: American Association of Orthodontists, American Dental Association, Illinois Society of Orthodontists, Chicago Dental
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  • Kristin Nicole Moore

    Orthodontics, Dentistry

    1701 E Woodfield Rd Ste 500, Schaumburg, IL 60173 2.54 miles
    Dr. Moore works in Lake Zurich, IL and 1 other location and specializes in Orthodontics and Dentistry.
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