Find the Best Optometrist near you in Waltham, MA
Waltham, MA has 1334 Optometrist results with an average of 27 years of experience and a total of 278 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 359 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.
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- 47 Waltham St, Lexington, MA 02421 4.31 miles
Dr. Yale Shriber, OD is an Optometrist in Lexington, MA. who offers complete eye care that includes comprehensive eye examinations, emergency eye care and routine eye care for various eye problems like dry eye, eye allergies and treatment of eye diseases including pink eye, eye infections, conjunctivitis, glaucoma and more. ... View Profile Optometry, Ophthalmology
840 Main St Ste 112, Millis, MA 02054 16.21 milesGraduated from New England College of Optometry 1991 Practice in the Millis Area since 2004 - New location opened July 2022 Certified in the treatment and management of ocular disease Certified in Mass for treating glaucoma and using Oral medication October 2021 Top Doctor in Millis (see various websites for more info) I run a modern, full-service eye care practice featuring the latest in eye care technology . The practice includes a Zeiss Photo 600 Ocular Coherence Tomography anterior segment/ fundus photography and the Humphrey Zeiss Visual Field Analyzer. ... View Profile All Results Optometry
1601 Trapelo Rd Ste 184, Waltham, MA 02451 2.48 milesDr. Karen Zar is an optometrist at Mass. Eye and Ear, Waltham. She provides routine eye care as well as contact lens fittings and services for patients. Optometry, Internal Medicine, Ophthalmology
195 West St, Waltham, MA 02451 1.88 miles"Always excellent!Saw her numerous times after cataract surgery and pseudoexfolation diagnosis by Dr.Raposa at the Danvers office.I've experienced exceptional care at this office. ... View Profile"Optometry
446 Moody St, Waltham, MA 02453 1.13 milesDr. Edelstein graduated from the New England College of Optometry in 1973. He works in Waltham, MA and specializes in Optometry. Optometry
66 Seyon St, Waltham, MA 02453 1.61 milesDr. Bababekov graduated from the New England College of Optometry in 2004. He works in Waltham, MA and specializes in Optometry. Optometry
289 Moody St, Waltham, MA 02453 0.93 miles"Very professional and explained everything she was doing. Very good first experience "Optometry
52 Second Ave Ste 2500, Waltham, MA 02451 1.50 miles"Holly Schneider is outstanding.She is highly skilled, very thorough, responds to questions and emails quickly, and I even enjoyed my appointments with her. ... View Profile"Optometry, Ophthalmology
1440 Main St, Waltham, MA 02451 1.83 milesDr. Najafi graduated from the Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2006.He works in Brookline, MA and 2 other locations and specializes in Optometry and Ophthalmology. ... View ProfileOptometry
57 GRANT ST, WALTHAM, MA 02451 0.59 milesDr. Weiner works in WALTHAM, MA and specializes in Optometry. Optometry
918 MAIN ST, WALTHAM, MA 02451 0.80 milesDr. Wilson works in WALTHAM, MA and specializes in Optometry. Optometry
289 Moody St, Waltham, MA 02453 0.93 milesDr. Paris-Whitney graduated from the New England College of Optometry in 1991. She works in Waltham, MA and 1 other location and specializes in Optometry. Optometry
289 Moody St, Waltham, MA 02453 0.93 milesDr. Smith works in Waltham, MA and specializes in Optometry. Optometry
289 Moody St, Waltham, MA 02453 0.93 milesDr. Fiore works in Waltham, MA and specializes in Optometry. Optometry
381 Moody St, Waltham, MA 02453 1.05 milesDr. Lerner graduated from the New England College of Optometry in 1989. He works in Waltham, MA and specializes in Optometry. Optometry
446 Moody St, Waltham, MA 02453 1.13 milesDr. Jameson works in Waltham, MA and specializes in Optometry. Optometry
400 5th Ave Ste 510, Waltham, MA 02451 1.13 milesDr. Chia graduated from the New England College of Optometry. She works in Waltham, MA and 1 other location and specializes in Optometry. Optometry
400 5th Ave Ste 510, Waltham, MA 02451 1.13 milesDr. Blake works in Boston, MA and 1 other location and specializes in Optometry. Optometry
400 5th Ave Ste 510, Waltham, MA 02451 1.13 milesDr. La works in Waltham, MA and specializes in Optometry. Optometry
20 Hope Ave Ste 212, Waltham, MA 02453 1.17 milesDr. Landman works in Waltham, MA and specializes in Optometry. Dr. Landman is affiliated with St Elizabeth's Medical Center. Optometry
9 Hope Ave, Waltham, MA 02453 1.24 milesDr. Raghuram works in Boston, MA and specializes in Optometry. Dr. Raghuram is affiliated with Massachusetts Eye And Ear. Optometry
9 Hope Ave, Waltham, MA 02453 1.25 milesDr. Halligan works in Waltham, MA and specializes in Optometry. Optometry
57 MATTHEW LN, WALTHAM, MA 02452 1.29 milesDr. Cheng works in WALTHAM, MA and specializes in Optometry. Optometry
273 Temple Rd, Waltham, MA 02452 1.40 milesDr. Panoyan works in Boston, MA and specializes in Optometry.
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