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Find the Best Internist near you in Pembroke Pines, FL

Pembroke Pines, FL has 7093 Internist results with an average of 28 years of experience and a total of 46831 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 3443 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.

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    Featured Results
  • William James Kelly

    Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Primary Care, Preventative Medicine

    7 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    2820 NE 214TH ST STE 801, AVENTURA, FL 33180 8.35 miles
    Will takes the time to listen to you and makes sure you have all the information you need. Amazing provider! So glad I found him.
  • Ariel Soffer, MD, FACC

    Cardiovascular Disease, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Vascular Surgery

    Explains conditions and treatments

    34 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    2131 Hollywood Blvd Ste 101, Hollywood, FL 33020 7.39 miles
    Ariel Soffer, MD, FACC , is board certified in cardiovascular disease and is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology.
    ... View Profile
  • Hamid Keshvari Rasti

    Internal Medicine

    Explains conditions and treatments

    Accepting New Patients

    260 Crandon Blvd Ste 8, Key Biscayne, FL 33149 23.19 miles
    We are writing this review because the platform does not allow direct responses to reviewers and their statistics.
    ... View Profile
  • Shenique Wesley

    Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Primary Care, Preventative Medicine

    9 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    2820 NE 214TH ST STE 801, AVENTURA, FL 33180 8.35 miles
    What makes you passionate about being a healthcare provider? I am passionate about being a healthcare provider because health is a major impact of quality of life.
    ... View Profile
  • Jaynier Hechevarria Moya

    Internal Medicine, Primary Care, Geriatric Medicine

    Explains conditions and treatments

    1 Award


    25 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    1460 S Palm Ave, Pembroke Pines, FL 33025 1.68 miles
    I’ve been a patient of Dr. Jaynier Moya for some time now, and I can confidently say he is one of the best primary care physicians I’ve ever had.
    ... View Profile
  • Kristopher Rai

    Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Primary Care, Preventative Medicine

    10 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    2820 NE 214TH ST STE 801, AVENTURA, FL 33180 8.35 miles
    Tell us what makes you passionate about being a healthcare provider.
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  • Buena Vida Medical Center

    Primary Care, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Nurse Practitioner

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    1360 S Dixie Hwy Ste 355, Coral Gables, FL 33146 20.92 miles
    As someone who doesn't like going to the doctor, it means a lot when I say I've always had a nice experience here.
    ... View Profile
  • All Results
  • Joseph Vincent Cerami

    Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease, Interventional Cardiology

    38 Years Experience

    7800 Sheridan St, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 1.73 miles
    Dr. Ceramic has been my doctor since I had the twins 5 years ago.He saved my life.
    ... View Profile
  • Michele Ann Morrison

    Internal Medicine

    37 Years Experience

    1601 N Palm Ave Ste 101, Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 0.66 miles
    She was my doctor for over 20 years. The best doctor I ever had.She is not about the money, she’s all about the patient.In January of this year 2023 I was told she retired.
    ... View Profile
  • Vivian B Bilasano

    Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine

    32 Years Experience

    7800 Sheridan St, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 1.73 miles
    Dr. Bilasano graduated from the Univ of The East/Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center College of Med in 1992.
    ... View Profile
  • Arturo Rafael Logrono

    Internal Medicine

    1 Award


    38 Years Experience

    7800 Sheridan St, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 1.73 miles
    Excelente doctor ,toma su tiempo con el paciente. Muy humano. Es mi doctor por a>os.Si pudiera le daria 10 estrellas.
  • Robert Godfrey Perry

    Internal Medicine, Oncology

    1 Award


    25 Years Experience

    7800 Sheridan St, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 1.73 miles
    Dr. Perry graduated from the St Georges University School of Medicine in 1999.
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  • Barry Craig Pevner

    Internal Medicine

    41 Years Experience

    601 N Flamingo Rd Ste 303, Pembroke Pines, FL 33028 2.65 miles
    Dr. Pevner addressed all of my questions and was very professional. The office is small but it is run quietly and efficiently.
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  • Emilio Antonio Pando

    Internal Medicine, Other Specialty, Hospital Medicine

    33 Years Experience

    703 N Flamingo Rd, Pembroke Pines, FL 33028 2.54 miles
    Dr. Pando graduated from the Instituto Superior De Ciencias Medicas De Santiago De Cuba in 1991.
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  • John Vincent Williams

    Internal Medicine

    43 Years Experience

    10081 Pines Blvd Ste D, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 0.84 miles
    Dr. Williams graduated from the Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons in 1981.He works in Hollywood, FL and 6 other locations and specializes in Internal Medicine.
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  • Jaynier Hechevarria Moya

    Internal Medicine, Primary Care, Geriatric Medicine

    Explains conditions and treatments

    1 Award


    25 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    1460 S Palm Ave, Pembroke Pines, FL 33025 1.68 miles
    I’ve been a patient of Dr. Jaynier Moya for some time now, and I can confidently say he is one of the best primary care physicians I’ve ever had.
    ... View Profile
  • Juan Carlos Rodriguez

    Sleep Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pulmonology

    Explains conditions and treatments

    28 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    Chat Now available

    Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 1.66 miles
    Dr. Juan Carlos Rodriguez is Board Certified in Pulmonary Diseases and Sleep Apnea disorders.  He has extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory illnesses and sleep apnea.
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  • John Bancroft Hylton

    Internal Medicine

    35 Years Experience

    7800 Sheridan St, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 1.73 miles
    Our Dr John Hylton is the best caring doctor we ever had and that is why we are his patient for over 20 years. He's there when needed. He comes highly recommended.
  • Shazia Zafar

    Oncology, Internal Medicine

    24 Years Experience

    7800 Sheridan St, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 1.73 miles
    Doctor Shazia Zafar is just amazing ! She cares for your health, listens to your concerns and gives you the most professional advice regarding your condition.
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  • Mudasiru Adegbola Carew

    Internal Medicine

    25 Years Experience

    7800 Sheridan St, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 1.73 miles
    Dr. Carew graduated from the Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic in 1999.He works in Miramar, FL and 5 other locations and specializes in Internal Medicine.
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  • Kayvan Amini

    Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease

    23 Years Experience

    7800 Sheridan St, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 1.73 miles
    Dr. Amini graduated from the Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic in 2001.
    ... View Profile
  • Salvador Enrique Mora

    Internal Medicine

    36 Years Experience

    7800 Sheridan St, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 1.73 miles
    Dr. Mora graduated from the Univ Nacional Autonoma De Nicaragua Fac De Ciencias Med in 1988.He works in Miramar, FL and 5 other locations and specializes in Internal Medicine.
    ... View Profile
  • Larry Keith Levinson

    Family Medicine, Internal Medicine

    1 Award


    43 Years Experience

    7800 Sheridan St, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 1.73 miles
    I have been a patient of Dr. Levinson for 30+ years and during all those years he has been the best doctor I ever had.
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  • Sheldon Staller

    Internal Medicine

    56 Years Experience

    9959 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 0.83 miles
    Dr. Staller graduated from the Hahnemann University School of Medicine in 1968.He works in Pembroke Pines, FL and 3 other locations and specializes in Internal Medicine.
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  • Benjamin Samuel Parish

    Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine, Internal Medicine

    19 Years Experience

    703 N Flamingo Rd, Pembroke Pines, FL 33028 2.54 miles
    Dr Parish is amazing.I was in so much pain for 4 weeks.
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  • Barry L Migicovsky

    Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine

    1 Award


    40 Years Experience

    11011 Sheridan St Ste 106, Hollywood, FL 33026 1.66 miles
    Fantastic diagnostician. His expertise and bedside manner are outstanding. Highly recommended!!!!!
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