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Find the Best Family Physician near you in Holly Springs, NC

Holly Springs, NC has 2042 Family Physician results with an average of 28 years of experience and a total of 6793 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 1086 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.

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  • Lori Peele

    Family Medicine

    Explains conditions and treatments

    23 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    10224 Durant Rd Ste 209, Raleigh, NC 27614 23.85 miles
    Dr. Lori Peele, Board Certified Family Medicine physician, offers a different approach to primary care.She sees fewer patients, which means more time for each one.
    ... View Profile
  • Jennifer Person

    Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Primary Care, Preventative Medicine

    17 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    4030 Wake Forest Rd Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609 19.11 miles
    Tell us what makes you passionate about being a healthcare provider.Investing in your health, is the best investment in yourself.Small changes can promote great outcomes.
    ... View Profile
  • Marianne C. Robinson

    Family Medicine

    Accepting New Patients

    3416 Poole Rd #120, Raleigh, NC 27610 17.07 miles
    Marianne C. Robinson is a Family Medicine Specialist at our Southeast Raleigh primary care doctor's office.
    ... View Profile
  • Princess Abbey

    Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Primary Care, Preventative Medicine

    11 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    4030 Wake Forest Rd Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609 19.11 miles
    In your opinion, what should be the role of a primary care provider for a patient, taking into account both physical health and behavioral health needs?
    ... View Profile
  • Adam Wyble

    Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Primary Care, Preventative Medicine

    19 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    4030 Wake Forest Rd Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609 19.11 miles
    Tell us what makes you passionate about being a healthcare provider.
    ... View Profile
  • Megan A. Demariano

    Family Medicine

    12 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    3416 Poole Rd #120, Raleigh, NC 27610 17.07 miles
    Megan A. Demariano is a Family Medicine Specialist at our Southeast Raleigh primary care doctor's office.
    ... View Profile
  • Noelle Gaither

    Family Medicine

    Accepting New Patients

    3416 Poole Rd #120, Raleigh, NC 27610 17.07 miles
    Noelle Gaither is a Family Medicine Specialist at our Southeast Raleigh primary care doctor's office.
    ... View Profile
  • Crystal McGeown

    Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Primary Care, Preventative Medicine

    10 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    4030 Wake Forest Rd Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609 19.11 miles
    What makes you passionate about being a healthcare provider? My passion for being a healthcare provider stems from wanting to change and improve people's lives.
    ... View Profile
  • All Results
  • Michael David Stadiem

    Family Medicine

    48 Years Experience

    850 S Main St, Holly Springs, NC 27540 1.17 miles
    Dr Stadiem listens to his patients and discusses various medical treatments for health problems.
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  • Christopher Sothoron Byrd

    Family Medicine

    781 Avent Ferry Rd Ste 310, Holly Springs, NC 27540 1.20 miles
    I am a native North Carolinian and currently live in Holly Springs with my wife and two sons.
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  • Matthew William Payne

    Family Medicine

    WebMD Preferred Provider award

    20 Years Experience

    101 COTTEN LN STE 2, HOLLY SPRINGS, NC 27540 1.31 miles
    Dr. Payne has been our GP for over 5 years now. He has been instrumental in referring my husband to the appropriate specialists to manage his diabetes and Dementia.
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  • Heather Anderson

    Family Medicine

    13 Years Experience

    850 S Main St, Holly Springs, NC 27540 1.17 miles
    She was a caring and friendly doctor. I always had felt comfortable and relaxed seeing her on my visit. I relied on my docter, Heather Anderson. I will miss her always.
  • Rodolfo C Reyes

    Internal Medicine, Family Medicine

    43 Years Experience

    7212 Gb Alford Hwy, Holly Springs, NC 27540 0.79 miles
    Dr. Reyes graduated from the Univ of The East/Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center College of Med,Univ of The East/Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center College of Med in 1981.
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  • Chaitany Rasikbhai Patel

    Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine

    22 Years Experience

    850 S Main St, Holly Springs, NC 27540 1.17 miles
    Dr. Patel graduated from the Ross University School of Medicine,Ross University School of Medicine in 2002.
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  • Thomas Flaherty

    Adolescent Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics

    39 Years Experience

    850 S Main St, Holly Springs, NC 27540 1.17 miles
    I became a physician to serve the needs of infants, children and adolescents.
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  • Shane Hemphill

    Family Medicine

    20 Years Experience

    781 Avent Ferry Rd, Holly Springs, NC 27540 1.18 miles
    I chose to become a physician to help people – to make a difference in my patient’s lives.
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  • Jennifer L. Beard

    Family Medicine

    141 Rosewood Centre Drive Suite 125, Holly Springs, NC 27540 3.62 miles
    Takes the time to explain and answer questions. She is a great complement to the medical field. I truly appreciate her professionalism!! A+++
  • O. Josh Bloom

    Sports Medicine, Family Medicine, Primary Care

    401 Irving Pkwy Ste 230, Holly Springs, NC 27540
    Dr. Bloom works in Cary, NC and 2 other locations and specializes in Sports Medicine, Family Medicine and Primary Care.
  • Brittany Davis

    Family Medicine

    781 Avent Ferry Road REX Healthcare of Holly Springs, Holly Springs, NC 27540 0.89 miles
    Brittany is an amazing PA. She listens, offers information and suggestions, and has a wonderful personality.
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  • Brett H. Foreman

    Sports Medicine, Family Medicine, Primary Care

    401 Irving Pkwy Ste 230, Holly Springs, NC 27540
    Dr. Foreman works in Cary, NC and 2 other locations and specializes in Sports Medicine, Family Medicine and Primary Care.
  • Piper Kilpatrick

    Sports Medicine, Family Medicine, Primary Care

    401 Irving Pkwy Ste 230, Holly Springs, NC 27540
    Dr. Kilpatrick works in Cary, NC and 1 other location and specializes in Sports Medicine, Family Medicine and Primary Care.
  • Shanti Eranti

    Family Medicine

    22 Years Experience

    781 Avent Ferry Road REX Healthcare of Holly Springs, Holly Springs, NC 27540 0.89 miles
    I had always respected the profession of a doctor from childhood, and when it was time for me to decide about my career, I chose medicine.
    ... View Profile
  • Samreen Waqar Azeem

    Family Medicine

    26 Years Experience

    850 S Main St, Holly Springs, NC 27540 1.17 miles
    Dr. Azeem graduated from the University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill School of Medicine,University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill School of Medicine,Rawalpindi Medical College in 1998.
    ... View Profile
  • Katie Garland

    Nurse Practitioner, Family Medicine

    781 Avent Ferry Road REX Healthcare of Holly Springs, Holly Springs, NC 27540 0.89 miles
    Excellent visit. Professional, conscientious, and caring. Highly recommend.
  • Feyisayo Adenike Adeyina

    Family Medicine

    48 Years Experience

    1004 WERRINGTON DR STE 200, HOLLY SPRINGS, NC 27540 0.84 miles
    Dr. Adeyina graduated from the University of Debrecen Medical School and Health Science Centre,University of Debrecen Medical and Health Sciences Centre in 1976.
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  • James G. Blount

    Sports Medicine, Family Medicine, Primary Care

    401 Irving Pkwy Ste 230, Holly Springs, NC 27540
    Dr. Blount works in Cary, NC and 2 other locations and specializes in Sports Medicine, Family Medicine and Primary Care.
  • Susan M. Kane

    Nurse Practitioner, Family Medicine

    781 Avent Ferry Rd Ste 310, Holly Springs, NC 27540 1.20 miles
    When I was younger, I always wanted to make a difference in the world, and through medicine, I can.
    ... View Profile
  • Sandeep Gavankar

    Sports Medicine, Family Medicine, Primary Care

    401 Irving Pkwy Ste 230, Holly Springs, NC 27540
    Dr. Gavankar works in Cary, NC and 2 other locations and specializes in Sports Medicine, Family Medicine and Primary Care.
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