Find the Best Dentist near you in Buffalo, NY
Buffalo, NY has 1445 Dentist results with an average of 34 years of experience and a total of 4488 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 202 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.
- 4243 Maple Rd, Buffalo, NY 14226 5.67 miles"
Excellent dental care and staff is so nice " Dentistry
205 Linwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14209 1.93 milesDr. Ehlers graduated from the University At Buffalo State University of New York School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences in 1985. ... View ProfileDentistry
1497 Abbott Rd, Buffalo, NY 14218 6.19 miles"First time here and will continue to have this as my dental office. The entire staff and Dr. Fielding were amazing! "Dentistry
2121 Main St Ste 310, Buffalo, NY 14214 1.60 milesDr. Perry works in Depew, NY and 24 other locations and specializes in Dentistry. Dentistry
2121 Main St, Buffalo, NY 14214 1.61 milesDr. Katz graduated from the University At Buffalo State University of New York School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences in 1988. ... View ProfileDentistry
199 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY 14202 2.74 milesAbout Peter D. DeRose, DDS, MBA A Buffalo native, Dr. DeRose began his career by practicing dentistry with his father. ... View ProfileDentistry
2121 Main St Ste 310, Buffalo, NY 14214 1.60 milesDr. Lynch works in Hamburg, NY and 19 other locations and specializes in Dentistry. Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Endodontics
4955 N Bailey Ave Ste 110, Buffalo, NY 14226 5.56 miles"Each time I go Rachel makes it so easy to schedule appointments and is so knowledgeable when it comes to insurance as well as billing questions. ... View Profile"Dentistry
2121 Main St Ste 310, Buffalo, NY 14214 1.60 milesDr. Creps works in Buffalo, NY and 23 other locations and specializes in Dentistry. Dentistry
2121 Main St Ste 310, Buffalo, NY 14214 1.60 milesDr. Wierchowski works in Rochester, NY and 24 other locations and specializes in Dentistry. Dentistry
5214 Main St Suite 101, Buffalo, NY 14221 5.03 miles"Felt very comfortable and reassured. ... View Profile"Dentistry
2500 Kensington Ave, Buffalo, NY 14226 4.52 milesDr. Todd E. Shatkin is a Cosmetic and Implant Dentist serving the Buffalo area for more than 20 years. ... View ProfileDentistry
2121 Main St Ste 310, Buffalo, NY 14214 1.60 milesDr. Bacchetta works in Rochester, NY and 23 other locations and specializes in Dentistry. Dentistry
199 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY 14202 2.74 milesDr. Gary Haraszthy, DMD, MS Education DMD, University of Szeged, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Hungary 1975 General Practice Residency, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Hungary, 1977 Training in Combined Prosthodontics, Tubingen University, Germany, 1984 Training in Dental Implants, Tubingen University, Germany, 1984 Master Degree in Oral Sciences, University at Buffalo, N.Y. 1993 DMD, University of Pennsylvania, P.A. 1995 Advanced Training in Cosmetic Dentistry, University at Buffalo, N.Y. 2001 Prior Experience Assistant Professor of Restorative Dentistry, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Hungary 1977-1987 Clinical Instructor of Restorative Dentistry, University at Buffalo, N.Y. 1989-2005 Private Practice at Barzman, Kasimov and Vieth, Dental PC. 1995-2008 Ronald Sadler, DDS Education DDS, SUNY at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, 1986 General Practice Residency, Millard Fillmore Hospital 86-87 Roswell Park Memorial Hosipital Glen Leak Fellowship Endodontic courses ... View ProfileDentistry
2290 Delaware Ave Ste 300, Buffalo, NY 14216 3.15 milesDr. Nadarajah works in Orchard Park, NY and 22 other locations and specializes in Dentistry. Dentistry
1306 Hertel Ave, Buffalo, NY 14216 3.00 miles"Dr. Samad is very detail oriented and knowledgeable.She is willing to do extra work to ensure good work.Her support staff is always professional, kind, and helpful. ... View Profile"Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Dentistry
40 N Union Rd, Buffalo, NY 14221 5.22 milesDr. Sindoni graduated from the Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences At The Univ of Buffalo,University At Buffalo State University of New York School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences in 1990. ... View ProfileDentistry
3557 Union Rd, Buffalo, NY 14225 3.87 milesDr. Julia Kagan is a General Dentist and Acupuncturist serving the Clarence area for more than 8 years. ... View ProfileDentistry, Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics
3476 Sheridan Dr, Buffalo, NY 14226 5.00 milesDr. Ian J. Walker is a General Dentist serving the Amherst area for more than 10 years.Dr. Walker is experienced in Fillings, Crowns and Veneers. ... View ProfileDentistry
100 High St, Buffalo, NY 14203 1.88 miles"Doctor P is the only dentist I trust to do my dental work and my son’s. She is very patient and will do anything she can to make you feel comfortable. She is the best! "Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry
100 High St, Buffalo, NY 14203 1.88 miles"Always a great experience the Staff is fun and friendly. "Dentistry
4007 Harlem Rd, Buffalo, NY 14226 3.77 miles"Very professional and friendly office staff . Dental staff is thorough and painless. "
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