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Find the Best Anesthesiologist near you in Detroit, MI

Detroit, MI has 1082 Anesthesiologist results with an average of 27 years of experience and a total of 2963 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 349 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.

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    Featured Results
  • Sam George

    Interventional Pain Medicine, Anesthesiology

    21 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    32255 Northwestern Hwy Ste 165, Farmington Hills, MI 48334 17.39 miles
    Outstanding Pain Doctor and Staff very thorough very concerned about your pain very knowledgeable Helpful and Outstanding recommendations to help treatment for pain like OT and physical therapy and staff just as well Thank You All Recommendations for this Pain Clinic Doctor And Staff Yes
    ... View Profile
  • Bathinaiah Raju Vorakkara

    Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine

    1 Award


    32 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    42500 HAYES RD Suite 800, Clinton Township, MI 48038 18.40 miles
    My visit with Dr. Vorakkara was amazing! He is very attentive and takes the time to answer all your questions. He is very professional and his staff is amazing! Highly recommend!
  • Jeffrey Kimpson

    Pain Medicine, Anesthesiology, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Interventional Pain Medicine

    1 Award


    39 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    21700 Northwestern Hwy Ste 600, Southfield, MI 48075 9.42 miles
    I have been relying on Dr. Kimpson to manage my back pain for many years now.He is a caring and patient Dr. who will take time to discuss your treatment options.
    ... View Profile
  • All Results
  • Walid Aref Osta

    Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine

    22 Years Experience

    4646 John R St, Detroit, MI 48201 1.10 miles
    Medical School: Dr. Osta graduated from the medical school of the American University of Beirut (AUB) in 2002.
    ... View Profile
  • Yongmin Liu

    Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine

    38 Years Experience

    4646 John R St, Detroit, MI 48201 1.10 miles
    Dr. Liu graduated from the Shandong Medical University in 1986.
    ... View Profile
  • Mohamed Lotfy Osman

    Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine

    29 Years Experience

    4160 John R St Ste 522, Detroit, MI 48201 1.17 miles
    Dr. Osman graduated from the University of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine in 1995.
    ... View Profile
  • Jeffrey Mark Rosenberg

    Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, Pain Medicine

    34 Years Experience

    6071 W Outer Dr, Detroit, MI 48235 6.80 miles
    Dr. Rosenberg provides comprehensive management of both chronic and cancer pain, including medical and interventional solutions.
    ... View Profile
  • Steven Peter Petrovas

    Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine

    14 Years Experience

    2799 W Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202 0.88 miles
    Dr. Petrovas graduated from the Chicago Medical School At Rosalind Franklin University-Medicine & Sciences in 2010.
    ... View Profile
  • Nabil Sibai


    20 Years Experience

    2799 W Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202 0.88 miles
    Nabil Sibai, MD is a specialist in Pain Medicine, Anesthesiology whose practice locations include: Detroit
  • Sayeed Khan

    Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine

    45 Years Experience

    3990 John R St, Detroit, MI 48201 1.25 miles
    Dr. Khan graduated from the Kakatiya Medical College in 1979.He works in Detroit, MI and 2 other locations and specializes in Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine.
    ... View Profile
  • Todd Edward Lininger

    Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine

    39 Years Experience

    4646 John R St, Detroit, MI 48201 1.10 miles
    Pain Care Associates is an experienced, multidisciplinary practice dedicated to the treatment of all types of acute and chronic pain using state of the art technology and therapies.
    ... View Profile
  • Mahmoud Sabbagh


    14 Years Experience

    261 Mack Ave Ste 520, Detroit, MI 48201 1.28 miles
    If it wasn't for Dr. Sabbagh treating me for the pain i was in i woudn't have know what to do.I feel very comfortable with Dr. Sabbagh he explains to me what he is able to do.
    ... View Profile
  • Samuel Perov

    Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine

    56 Years Experience

    2799 W Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202 0.88 miles
    Dr. Perov is a Board Certified Anesthesiologist by the American Board of Anesthesiology.
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  • Alexander Tsinberg

    Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine

    38 Years Experience

    6071 W Outer Dr, Detroit, MI 48235 6.80 miles
    Alexander Tsinberg MD is a Pain Management located in Detroit, MI specializing in spine, neck, and back pain treatment and pain management
  • Robert A Blumberg


    35 Years Experience

    3990 John R St, Detroit, MI 48201 1.25 miles
    Dr. Blumberg currently serves as Chief of the Anesthesiology Department at St. John Oakland Hospital.
  • Cheryl Jo Mordis


    38 Years Experience

    2799 W Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202 0.88 miles
    Dr. Mordis graduated from the Wayne State University School of Medicine in 1986.She works in Detroit, MI and 2 other locations and specializes in Anesthesiology.
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  • Murali S Patri


    28 Years Experience

    2799 W Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202 0.88 miles
    Always courteous and pleasant. G... - Always courteous and pleasant. Gives precise information regarding any and all procedures I will have.
  • Maria Markakis Zestos


    37 Years Experience

    3901 Beaubien St Ste 3B17, Detroit, MI 48201 1.35 miles
    Dr. Zestos graduated from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1987.She works in Detroit, MI and 2 other locations and specializes in Anesthesiology.
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  • William Humberto Alarcon


    30 Years Experience

    2799 W Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202 0.88 miles
    Dr. Alarcon graduated from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in 1994.Dr. Alarcon works in Detroit, MI and 1 other location and specializes in Anesthesiology.
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  • Madhvi A Rajpurkar

    Anesthesiology, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology

    34 Years Experience

    3901 Beaubien St Ste 2M27, Detroit, MI 48201 1.35 miles
    Dr. Rajpurkar graduated from the Seth G S Medical College in 1990.She works in Detroit, MI and 1 other location and specializes in Anesthesiology and Pediatric Hematology-Oncology.
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  • William Johnson Hightower

    Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine

    18 Years Experience

    2799 W Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202 0.88 miles
    Dr. Hightower graduated from the University of Virginia School of Medicine in 2006.
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  • Michael C Lewis


    2799 W Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202 0.88 miles
    Dr. Lewis works in Detroit, MI and 1 other location and specializes in Anesthesiology. Dr. Lewis is affiliated with Henry Ford Hospital.
  • Samir Farid Fuleihan

    Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, Pain Medicine

    54 Years Experience

    2799 W Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202 0.88 miles
    Dr. Fuleihan graduated from the American University of Beirut Faculty of Medicine in 1970.
    ... View Profile
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