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Find the Best Circumcision doctors near you in Jacksonville, FL

Jacksonville, FL has 635 Circumcision doctors results with an average of 27 years of experience and a total of 5934 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 351 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.

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  • Juan Felipe Garcia

    Plastic Surgery, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery

    30 Years Experience

    800 Prudential Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32207 1.95 miles
    Dr. Garcia graduated from the University of Miami Leonard M Miller School of Medicine in 1994.
    ... View Profile
  • Neil Shaw Mcdevitt

    Surgery, Other Specialty

    27 Years Experience

    3627 University Blvd S Ste 200, Jacksonville, FL 32216 2.74 miles
    While he started as a general surgeon, Dr. Neil McDevitt chose to specialize in bariatric surgery because of the gratitude he received from his weight-loss patients, the happiness he found sharing in their victories, and th potential he saw for improving the quality of their lives.
    ... View Profile
  • Aaron Michael Bates

    Sports Medicine, Orthopedic Surgery, Surgery

    1 Award


    26 Years Experience

    4035 Southpoint Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32216 4.11 miles
    Dr Bates listened to my problem and was genuinely interested in helping me
  • Jason David Meier

    Plastic Surgery, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Surgery

    22 Years Experience

    3 Shircliff Way Ste 322, Jacksonville, FL 32204 2.82 miles
    Dr. Meier graduated from the University of Iowa in 2002.
    ... View Profile
  • Robert William Burk

    Plastic Surgery

    1 Award


    36 Years Experience

    1 Shircliff Way, Jacksonville, FL 32204 2.81 miles
    he is an excellent surgeon.I had upper belpharoplasty, neck lift and mini face lift four months ago.
    ... View Profile
  • Apoorva Ramesh Vashi

    Urology, Surgery

    31 Years Experience

    1 Shircliff Way, Jacksonville, FL 32204 2.81 miles
    Dr. Vashi completed his undergraduate, medical, and urology training at the University of Michigan.
    ... View Profile
  • Ziad Tarik Awad


    653 West 8th Street Faculty Clinic, 2nd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32209 5.32 miles
    I would not hesitate to send som... - I would not hesitate to send someone to this office for an appointment.
  • Michael Joseph Duffy

    Plastic Surgery

    42 Years Experience

    6867 Belfort Oaks Pl, Jacksonville, FL 32216 4.40 miles
    Dr. Duffy graduated from the Emory University School of Medicine in 1982.He works in Jacksonville, FL and specializes in Plastic Surgery.
    ... View Profile
  • Sunil Kumar Sharma

    Surgery, Other Specialty

    35 Years Experience

    800 Prudential Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32207 1.95 miles
    I had an open gastric bypass in 2010 with a different surgeon.I went to Dr Sharma in October 2019, because I had been having a lot of GI issues for the past 2 years.
    ... View Profile
  • Robert Gordon Ellison

    Vascular Surgery, Surgery

    44 Years Experience

    800 Prudential Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32207 0.64 miles
    Dr. Ellison graduated from the Medical College of Georgia At Georgia Regents University in 1980.
    ... View Profile
  • J. Turner Vosseller

    Foot & Ankle Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Surgery

    20 Years Experience

    1325 San Marco Blvd Ste 200, Jacksonville, FL 32207 1.62 miles
    Dr. J. Turner Vosseller is an orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon who specializes in the operative and nonoperative treatment of foot and ankle disorders.
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  • Yolanda Denise Heman-Ackah

    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Pediatric Otolaryngology, Plastic Surgery

    29 Years Experience

    653 W 8th St Fl 2, Jacksonville, FL 32209 3.92 miles
    Dr. Heman-Ackah graduated from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in 1995.
    ... View Profile
  • Benjamin Mario Piperno

    Colorectal Surgery, Surgery

    33 Years Experience

    800 Prudential Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32207 1.95 miles
    Dr. Piperno graduated from the Universidad De La Republica Facultad De Medicina in 1991.
    ... View Profile
  • Eduardo Torres

    Family Medicine

    25 Years Experience

    800 Prudential Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32207 1.95 miles
    Dr. Torres graduated from the Ponce School of Medicine in 1999.He works in Winter Haven, FL and 6 other locations and specializes in Family Medicine.
    ... View Profile
  • Cameron Sherwood Schaeffer

    Plastic Surgery, Urology

    35 Years Experience

    807 Childrens Way, Jacksonville, FL 32207 1.74 miles
    Dr. Schaeffer graduated from the University of Virginia School of Medicine in 1989.
    ... View Profile
  • Craig Bennett Morgenthal

    Surgery, Other Specialty

    24 Years Experience

    1301 PALM AVE FL 2, JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207 1.70 miles
    Dr. Morgenthal, his staff, and indeed the entire Baptist Health operation have an uncanny ability to work together in communication for the good of the patient.
    ... View Profile
  • Julie Ann Long

    Pediatric Surgery, Surgery, Pediatrics

    45 Years Experience

    807 Childrens Way Fl 4, Jacksonville, FL 32207 1.76 miles
    I think about Dr. Long often and how she saved my daughter's life with emergency surgery at JDCH.
    ... View Profile
  • Robert Cywes

    Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Pediatrics

    37 Years Experience

    6817 Southpoint Pkwy Ste 703, Jacksonville, FL 32216 3.87 miles
    Dr. Cywes graduated from the University of Cape Town Faculty of Health Sciences in 1987.
    ... View Profile
  • Gordon M Polley

    Surgery, Other Specialty

    42 Years Experience

    836 Prudential Dr Ste 1001, Jacksonville, FL 32207 1.89 miles
    He is the best surgeon that has a lot of experience in robotics - would recommend because recovery was easier. Good bedside manners.
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