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Find the Best Wound Care doctors near you in Houston, TX

Houston, TX has 12688 Wound Care doctors results with an average of 26 years of experience and a total of 48916 reviews. Need help deciding? Explore feedback from real patients, what awards they've won, and much more to help you choose. Currently, 5210 providers have noted they are accepting new patients.

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    Featured Results
  • Sara Saginaw

    Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Primary Care, Preventative Medicine

    Explains conditions and treatments

    15 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    5373 W Alabama St Ste 204, Houston, TX 77056 4.24 miles
    In your opinion, what should be the role of a primary care provider for a patient, taking into account both physical health and behavioral health needs?
    ... View Profile
  • Gentiana Bakaj

    Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Primary Care, Preventative Medicine

    17 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    5373 W Alabama St Ste 204, Houston, TX 77056 4.24 miles
    Tell us what makes you passionate about being a healthcare provider.
    ... View Profile
  • Jillianne Cheong

    Family Medicine, Primary Care

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    11251 Fondren Rd, Houston, TX 77096 9.75 miles
    Jillianne Cheong is a Family Medicine Specialist at our West Bellfort primary care doctor's office.
    ... View Profile
  • Sandeep Patel

    Podiatry, Orthopedic Surgery, Foot & Ankle Surgery

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    11914 Astoria Blvd Ste 125, Houston, TX 77089 17.83 miles
    He knows his specialty well!
  • Claude Capistrano

    Family Medicine, Primary Care

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    5760 W Little York Rd, Houston, TX 77091 7.45 miles
    Claude Capistrano is a Family Medicine Specialist at our White Oak primary care doctor's office.Claude is excited to get to know you and provide the personalized care you deserve.
    ... View Profile
  • Quanza E. Mooring

    Family Medicine, Primary Care

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    5760 W Little York Rd, Houston, TX 77091 7.45 miles
    Quanza E. Mooring is a Family Medicine Specialist at our White Oak primary care doctor's office.
    ... View Profile
  • Aislinn Rogalla

    Family Medicine, Primary Care

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    1244 Uvalde Rd, Houston, TX 77015 13.44 miles
    Aislinn Rogalla is a Family Medicine Specialist at our Northshore primary care doctor's office.
    ... View Profile
  • Anna Poulos

    Internal Medicine, Primary Care

    38 Years Experience

    Accepting New Patients

    Virtual Visit Available

    4001 Preston Ave, Pasadena, TX 77505 16.62 miles
    Anna Poulos is a Internist at our Fairmont primary care doctor's office.Dr. Poulos is excited to get to know you and provide the personalized care you deserve.
    ... View Profile
  • All Results
  • Jeffrey E. Budoff

    Hand Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery, Surgery

    33 Years Experience

    6560 Fannin St Ste 1016, Houston, TX 77030 4.15 miles
    Dr. Jeffrey E. Budoff, MD is a highly skilled and board-certified orthopedic Hand surgeon specializing in the treatment of hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder injuries and conditions.
    ... View Profile
  • Hayley Thu Nguyen

    Family Medicine

    22 Years Experience

    5151 Katy Fwy Ste 100, Houston, TX 77007 0.40 miles
    Dr. Nguyen graduated from the University of Texas Medical Branch At Galveston in 2002. She works in Houston, TX and 1 other location and specializes in Family Medicine.
  • Rochelle Edith-Mae Pondt

    Adolescent Medicine, Family Medicine

    22 Years Experience

    1200 Binz St Ste 1240, Houston, TX 77004 3.47 miles
    Dr. Rochelle Pondt is a rare gem in today’s medical system.
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  • Rabah Qadir

    Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Trauma

    15 Years Experience

    1635 North Loop W, Houston, TX 77008 3.10 miles
    best of the best
  • Bidhan Bihari Das

    Colorectal Surgery, Surgery

    1 Award


    17 Years Experience

    2459 S Braeswood Blvd, Houston, TX 77030 5.06 miles
    Let me tell you, finding out you need surgery for diverticulitis can knock the wind out of your sails.
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  • David Mitchell Bloome

    Sports Medicine, Orthopedic Surgery

    61 Years Experience

    6565 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77030 4.16 miles
    Dr. Bloome graduated from the The University of Texas School of Medicine At San Antonio,University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Medical School in 1963.
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  • Joseph Salinas

    Nurse Practitioner

    32 Years Experience

    2040 West Gray Street Suites 120 And 200, Houston, TX 77019 1.25 miles
    Dr. Salinas completed his undergraduate education at Rice University in Houston, Texas where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and Spanish.
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  • Robin  Moore

    Family Medicine

    25 Years Experience

    4543 Post Oak Place Dr Ste 105, Houston, TX 77027 2.73 miles
    Dr. Moore grew up in St. Louis, Missouri and completed her undergraduate studies at Xavier university of Louisiana.
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  • Cain Robert Linville

    Surgery, Plastic Surgery

    17 Years Experience

    5151 KATY FWY STE 300, HOUSTON, TX 77007 0.42 miles
    Dr. Linville graduated from the University of Missouri Columbia School of Medicine in 2007.
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  • Korsh Jafarnia

    Orthopedic Surgery, Hand Surgery

    Explains conditions and treatments

    1 Award

    Accepting New Patients

    9090 Katy Fwy Ste 200, Houston, TX 77024 6.25 miles
    Dr Jarfarnia is the my caring hand surgeon. I had arthritis really bad and had had 2 surgeries by a different surgeon but Dr Jarfarnia didn’t stop until he fixed my thumb.
  • Robert C Kratschmer

    Plastic Surgery, Surgery, Plastic Surgery-Hand Surgery, Hand Surgery

    25 Years Experience

    1401 St Joseph Pkwy, Houston, TX 77002 3.07 miles
    Dr. Kratschmer graduated from the Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Medicine in 1999.
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  • Shannon Ray Schrader

    Family Medicine

    1 Award


    35 Years Experience

    2211 NORFOLK ST STE 1050, HOUSTON, TX 77098 2.64 miles
    Had my annual physical with Dr. Schrader today.
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  • David W Wimberley

    Orthopedic Spine Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery

    1 Award


    27 Years Experience

    6565 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77030 4.22 miles
    Dr. Wimberley took care of my back problems. He performed a microdiscectomy on my L4-L5. My pain was gone when I woke up from the surgery.
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  • Dwayne Oneal Williams

    Family Medicine

    37 Years Experience

    1401 St Joseph Pkwy, Houston, TX 77002 3.07 miles
    5+ stars for the doctor and nurses. 0 stars for the office staff. I don’t understand the tolerance such an amazing doctor has for such a horrible front office staff.
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  • Mark Asher Schusterman

    Surgery, Plastic Surgery

    44 Years Experience

    3355 W ALABAMA ST STE 450, HOUSTON, TX 77098 2.48 miles
    Dr. Schusterman graduated from the University of Louisville School of Medicine in 1980.He works in HOUSTON, TX and specializes in Surgery and Plastic Surgery.
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  • Joseph Robert Cali

    Colorectal Surgery, Surgery

    37 Years Experience

    1631 North Loop W Ste 300, Houston, TX 77008 3.14 miles
    Dr. Cali graduated from the Creighton University School of Medicine in 1987.He works in Houston, TX and specializes in Colorectal Surgery and Surgery.
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  • Wilbur Lindsey Jones

    Orthopedic Surgery

    56 Years Experience

    23 Exbury Way, Houston, TX 77056 3.34 miles
    Dr. Jones graduated from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School,University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Medical School in 1968.
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  • Don Carlfred Quast

    Surgery, Thoracic Surgery

    66 Years Experience

    1213 Hermann Dr, Houston, TX 77004 3.51 miles
    Dr Quast performed my last major surgery for lysis of adhesions in 2018.He was hands down the best surgeon I ever had and was also the oldest.
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  • Matthew A Brimberry

    Family Medicine

    15 Years Experience

    1302 WAUGH DR APT 200, HOUSTON, TX 77019 1.27 miles
    I recently returned to Dr Brimberry as my primary and he is worth the drive from far north. He listens, reviews, and provides easy to understand explanation.
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  • Gerard L Guderian

    Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Public Health & General Preventive Medicine

    30 Years Experience

    1221 McKinney St, Houston, TX 77010 3.05 miles
    Dr. Guderian graduated from the Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Medicine in 1994.
    ... View Profile
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