Commerce Village Dentists

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Commerce Village Dentists Rating
Showing 21 to 30 of 220 reviews
"Amy rocks"
  • October 23, 2015
"Love the staff an Dr Pulgini (Mr Wonderful, much talent). Kelly does the water cleaning, instead of scraping. Love it. If you have any issue they will solve all your issues. Very willing to work with your financial situations, to give you their Best solutions an teeth care. I was recommended by friend Suzanne Noquera, an I have never looked back."
  • October 20, 2015
"Staff is very friendly."
  • October 19, 2015
"The cleaning went well as usual but I am concerned about the use of a computer and overhead lamp while in the middle of the cleaning with no change of laytex gloves. I was reassured that the keboard was clean but when I left I didn't see any type of cover over the keys that can be cleaned easily. My expectation is that the keyboard and light switch will be completely disinfected after every appointment ..."
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  • October 15, 2015
Response from Commerce Village Dentists
Thank you for your concern, rest assured that everything is wiped with disinfectant or sterilized in the autoclave. We do extra to cover many items with plastic as well. It is a constant concern of ours as well. If you have any more questions please contact the office.
"Have been using Commerce Village Dentists since their office was on Union Lake Road. Everyone is always professional and very friendly. The only suggestion would be to tone down the appointment stalking in regards to confirming it is a little much."
  • October 15, 2015
"I had my tri-annual deep cleaning. I was very pleased with the outcome. Pain management and thorough cleaning were done professionally and in a timely fashion. Appointment handling was excellent (on time start, on time finish)."
  • October 15, 2015
"I am always treated like family and Jeni is the best. She knows I'm a baby and she takes the time t make sure she does not hurt me. I finally found s good dentist and hygienist combination. Love love love them all"
  • October 12, 2015
"Always very professional but always very friendly."
  • October 12, 2015
"Dr is always on the spot to answer questions and concerns."
  • September 30, 2015
"Everything was excellent, althought the cancer screen test is very quick and possibly should not cost $15 each time. Maybe pay for it once every 2 years."
  • September 11, 2015
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