Aloha Pediatric Dentistry

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Aloha Pediatric Dentistry Rating
1614 REVIEWs
Showing 31 to 40 of 1614 reviews
"My kid was anxious about going to the dentist and I was happy to see him return from the back with a big smile on his face. The team at Aloha are really great explaining things and calming down anxious kids"
  • June 3, 2020
"Lovely place, doing a great job balancing safety from COVID and not terrifying kids. I dare say my daughter had fun!"
  • June 3, 2020
"Both times we've been to Aloha Pediatric Dentistry so far, I have been happily surprised at how cooperative my child ended up being... about getting her teeth brushed and scraped, no less! Omar and Dr. Katsura are both total pros at being playful, encouraging, and fun. The fluoride becomes a choice around "Do you want stars, rainbows, or unicorns?" The toothpaste choices are chocolate, vanilla, and ..."
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  • March 11, 2020
"Dr. Katsura and Omar's patience and kindness with my teenage son today cannot be overstated. They were aware of his anxiety around having two cavities filled, and they were absolutely wonderful. It was especially helpful that they moved slowly and explained each step as they went. I can't tell you how much I appreciated their gentle, thoughtful approach. Thank you!"
  • March 11, 2020
"My four-year old's visit went really well thanks to great patience, careful listening, and genuine kindness. Thanks for the great treatment!"
  • March 6, 2020
"Wonderful service and my kids were at ease the moment they walked through the door. Even though we weren't seen by our regular dentist, the visit went smooth, for which I am thankful :)"
  • March 6, 2020
"...for both kids."
  • March 4, 2020
"My children love coming to Aloha, all of the staff are wonderful and make them feel comfortable. Communications are clear, appointments are efficient and we always have fun. My kids especially love Dr. Ruhe!"
  • February 25, 2020
"My kids enjoy going to Aloha. The staff are exceptional with kids and making them comfortable."
  • February 12, 2020
"Great experience for an emergency popcorn extraction!"
  • February 5, 2020
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