WebMD Reputation Management

Outrank your local competitors and increase positive reviews on WebMD, Vitals, Google and other search platforms. Chatmeter helps multi-location brands improve online visibility, create loyal customers, and increase foot traffic.

+Snapshot Overview

The Snapshot section of the Reputation Tracker tool gives you a high-level overview of your Listings & Reputation on the web. This is a summary of the data detailed below ranging from Reviews, Search Analytics, Listings, and Rankings.

+Local Brand Visibility (LBV) Scores Snapshot

LBV Scores

The Snapshot LBV Scores pane reports your business’s Local Brand Visibility (LBV) score.

The overall LBV score is an aggregate metric of the most important data on your business’s reputation and search engine findability. Scores higher than 70 are considered industry leading. The subordinate numbers listed on the right are scores for Reviews, Listings, Search, and Competitors.

+Reputation Management

+Summary Of Your Business Reputation

WebMD collects data on your customers’ perspectives on your business from your listings with listing providers like Google, Facebook, Yelp, and many more. WebMD tools enable you to engage effectively with that information, and with customers, to manage your business’s reputation.

Go to the Reputation > Summary section in LocationHQ to see a summary of the data that WebMD collects about your business from customer reviews.

You can filter the results in the Summary to focus on specific listing providers, periods of time, or rating values. Select the three-layer icon in the upper right to expose the filters in the right margin.

The following data are shown on the Reputation > Summary page:

• Overall Details

In Overall Details, for your business and your local competitors’ average, see Overall Rating, Number of Reviews, number of Reviews Responded To, Review Response Rate, and numbers of 1-star Reviews and 5-star Reviews.

• Review Sentiment

Use Review Sentiment to see the proportion of your business reviews that are negative, positive, or neutral. Hover your mouse over a portion of the pie chart to reveal the number of reviews represented. You can download the image by selecting the download icon in the upper right.

• Review Counts and Average Ratings

In this graphic, see the number of total reviews your business has received by month, along with the average rating. You can download a copy of the graphic by selecting the download icon in the upper corner of the graphic

• Review Sentiment

Use Review Sentiment to see the proportion of your business reviews that are negative, positive, or neutral. Hover your mouse over a portion of the pie chart to reveal the number of reviews represented. You can download the image by selecting the download icon in the upper right.

+Accessing The Reviews Page

You’ll find the reviews your customers have posted about your business on the Reviews page.

To find the Reviews page, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your WebMD account in LocationHQ.
  2. Go to Reputation > Reviews to display the Reviews page.

+Filtering And Sorting The Reviews Page

On the Reviews page, you can filter the reviews report to find specific types of reviews using the Global Filter, accessible from the three-layer icon in the upper right.

You can search for specific accounts, groups, or locations, or, through the Page Filters, search for specific providers.

On the Page Filters, you can also filter for a specific time duration or create a custom time range. Using the Ratings filter, you can select by star rating or on whether the business has been recommended or not.

Use the Advanced Filter to find reviews based on:

  • With Responses, Without Responses—Whether the review’s been responded to
  • With Notes, Without Notes—Whether anyone left a note
  • With Text, Without Text—Whether there is any text in the review
  • With Image, Without Image—Whether an image is included
  • Removed Reviews, Filtered Reviews—Whether they’ve been removed or filtered
  • With Responding Enabled—Whether responses can be published directly from LocationHQ
  • With a Response Pending Approval—Whether response is pending
  • With New Non-Business Response—Whether a new non-business response has been added

On the upper left of the Reviews page, you can sort by Date Created, Date Updated, Provider, or Rating. You can also sort in ascending or descending order.

+Responding to Reviews

You can respond to reviews in multiple ways.

  • Manually typing your response
  • Using the “Suggest” button that will populate a response based on the star rating of the review
  • You can use a Template. To save your own templates you can clithe settings cog next to the “Select Template” dropdown.

+Review Builder Overview

Review Builder is a tool to collect customer feedback on your locations by sending survey feedback requests by email or text messages.

You customize feedback campaigns and manage them from the Reputation > Review Builder page. You can also embed a widget that displays your reviews on your website or store pages

Review Builder is available to customers with the Reputation Premium Package.

+Initiating a Review Builder Campaign

Actions you need to take include:

  • Customizing both the page where your survey participants will respond to the survey and the page you’ll use to thank them
  • Selecting a delivery method for your survey

• Comparing Location and Competitor Performance

Identify actions to improve your listings by examining comparison reports for locations and competitors

• Pulse Comparison Reports

Compare your locations’ Pulse metrics (sentiment analysis)

• Metrics in Local Brand Visibility Score

Delve into the specific metrics that make up the LBV score

• Viewing Your Business’s SEO Rankings

Learn whether potential customers can discover your business easily through web search. The keywords are determined by the entries in the “Locations” data under the “Keyword” section.

• Search Insights from Google and Yelp

Gain insights through what actions potential customers take after finding your listings

+Customizing Your Survey

To create a new campaign, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your WebMD account in LocationHQ.
  2. Go to Reputation > Review Builder.
  3. Select + Add New Campaign.
  1. In Campaign Name, enter a name for your campaign.
  2. Ensure your location is selected.
  1. From Select Form, choose a template for your survey. You can create a new one or select a pre-existing template to edit or copy. In the example, we made a copy of the Simple Form and edited it.
  1. In the Options dialog box, give your form a Title, select a color theme, and customize the Heading, Rating Question, Detail Question, and Submit Text, if desired. You can also select Visibility for your survey. If you select Shared, anyone on your account can use the campaign content. If you select Private, only you and the account Admins have access.
  2. Select Preview Thank-You Page to view the thank you message. If you’d like to edit the text of the message, select Edit Thank-You Page to edit within the HTML.
  3. Select Save Changes. If you need to revise the landing page or thank you page later, return to Select a Form on the Add Campaign page, and on the Select a Form page, select the down caret to select Edit.

+Selecting Delivery Methods For Your Campaign

You can send your surveys through email, text message, or by sharing a link with someone on a laptop, phone, or tablet. You can choose more than one delivery method for your campaign. Additional delivery methods are used to create drip campaigns, where you send subsequent emails or messages to those participants who haven’t responded.

In this section, learn to set up email and text delivery. We cover sharing a link in Creating a Standalone Review Link.

+To Set Up Delivery Methods, Follow These Steps:

  1. In the Delivery Methods section of the Add Campaign page, select the delivery methods you’d like. (Delivery Method 1 and Delivery Method 2 appear by default. If you’d like to add more than two for complex drip campaigns, select Add Delivery Method at the bottom of the Add Campaign page).
  2. For email delivery, select Email for the Delivery Via option. Provide the Sender Email, Email Sender Name, Email Subject, and select whether to send immediately or at a scheduled date and time. If you choose to send immediately, the email is sent as soon as you finish adding contacts and select Save.
  1. For text delivery, select SMS for the Delivery Via option. Provide the Message Body and select whether to send immediately or at a scheduled date and time.
  2. If you choose to send immediately, the message is sent as soon as you finish adding contacts and select Save.
    • Select Select Template to select or create an email template. You can customize the email template using the Options form or by selecting Edit to use HTML to customize. Select the question mark toggle to the right of the tab bar to display a detailed Template Customization help page.
    • Select Save to save your changes made on the Email Options form, including changes to the HTML.
  3. Select whether you’d like to Limit One Review Per Contact. If you don’t limit the number of reviews per contact, you can opt to keep only the most recent review.
  4. Select Save to complete the Add Campaign page

+Managing Third-Party Credentials

To add your credentials follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your WebMD account.
  2. Go to Settings (cog in upper right) > Third-Party Credentials.
  3. Select +Add Credential to display the list of possible third-party providers for which you can add credentials. Select the one you need.
  4. WebMD sends you to the provider’s site that you’ve selected. Follow the steps requested to provide credentials.
  5. The provider’s site will give you a success notification online before returning you to the WebMD site. You can also see that your credentials and their expiration date will appear in the Credential List.

+Circumstances Requiring Repeating The Addition Of A Credential

  • If the credentials for your listing provider expire, you need to re-enter them
  • If the permissions in the third-party account change or pages are added or removed, the quickest way to ensure that the changes are reflected in your account is to repeat the process of adding the credential

+Monitoring and Managing Business Listings Overview

WebMD helps you ensure that when potential customers search for your brand online, the listings for your business locations that they find across a variety of providers—from Google, to Facebook, Yelp, Bing, Apple Maps, and many others—are consistent, accurate, and translate into traffic to your locations.

Customers who have purchased the Listings Management package have their location data published from the WebMD platform to the providers in the WebMD network to ensure that inaccurate data and duplicate listings are resolved.

WebMD monitors location data on a variety of other listing providers, as well. WebMD can report on many of those sites, but customers must work with the providers to update location data on them.

For customers who have Listings Management, we provide data subdivided between managed listings and monitored listings. Listings reports are refreshed automatically once a month, and individual listings are refreshed when changes are made in LocationHQ.

You can find information about the business listings monitored by WebMD in LocationHQ in the Locations menu. Learn about:

• Missing Listings

A report on providers that don’t include your business location(s) on their sites, and instructions on how to add them

• Duplicate Listings

A report on locations for which WebMD has detected more than one listing and how to resolve them

• Listings Accuracy

Get reports with statistics over time on get reports with statistics over time on the correctness of names, addresses, and phone numbers on listings for locations, and increase or decrease in numbers of listings

• Listings Summary

A report on numbers of your business’s listings found, duplicated, mismatched, and the number of listings that have at least one review and/or one photo on them

• Listings Optimization

A report on discrepancies between the data you’ve supplied for your locations and what exists in listings and how to edit or update listings to resolve discrepancies

+Updating Location Details

To update information for your location, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your WebMD account.
  2. Go to Locations > Locations to display the Locations page.
  3. Select or find the location you want to edit to display the Location Details page.
  4. On the Location Details page, go through the relevant tabs to either add information and delete or update obsolete information.
  5. When you’re satisfied, select Save. After your changes have add information and delete or update obsolete information.

+Setting Up Holiday or Special Hours

Follow these steps to set up the hours. In our example, we’re setting up winter holiday hours:

  1. Login to your WebMD account.
  2. Go to Locations > Locations to display the Locations page.
  3. Select a location for which you want to set up the holiday hours to display the Location Details page. If you want to set up hours for more than one location at once, select each location by ticking the box next to the locations.
  4. Select the Hours tab.
  1. Select the plus-sign icon under Special/Holiday hours.
  2. Enter the dates and hours you need to change. Select the plus-sign icon for each date you need to change.
  3. Select Save when you’ve finished. You’ll see a success message, and the changes take effect a short time afterwards.

+Scheduling Updates to Working Hours

To schedule an update to your working hours, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your WebMD account.
  2. Go to Locations > Locations to display the Locations page.
  3. Select a location for which you want to set up the holiday hours to you want to update hours and place a tick in the box left of the name(s)
  1. Select Schedule Update to display the Scheduled Updates Details page.
  1. On the Schedule tab, in Schedule Name, enter a name for the update.
  2. In Date, enter the date you’d like the new schedule to begin.
  3. In Time, enter the time for the new schedule to begin.
  1. On the Locations tab, select the locations you want to update.
  2. On the Hours tabs, select new hours that apply.
  3. Then select Review & Save to review the changes.
  4. On completion, select Save. Scheduled updates show up on the Scheduled Updates page.

+Viewing Competitors

To view competitors for a location, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your WebMD account.
  2. Go to Locations > Locations to display the Locations page.
  3. On the Locations page, hover over the location for which you want to manage competitors. The Refresh icon (circular arrows) and the View Competitor icon (binocular) icons appear.
  1. Select the View Competitor icon to display the Local Competitor Manager page.
  2. To see listing details about a competitor, including Address, and Phone number, select the Edit icon (pencil).

+Insights Overview

• Comparing Location and Competitor Performance

Identify actions to improve your listings by examining comparison reports for locations and competitors

• Pulse Comparison Reports

Compare your locations’ Pulse metrics (sentiment analysis)

• Metrics in Local Brand Visibility Score

Delve into the specific metrics that make up the LBV score

• Viewing Your Business’s SEO Rankings

Learn whether potential customers can discover your business easily through web search. The keywords are determined by the entries in the “Locations” data under the “Keyword” section.

• Search Insights from Google and Yelp

Gain insights through what actions potential customers take after finding your listings

+Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Local Brand Visibility Score?

The local Brand Visibility (LBV) score is an aggregate metric of the most important data on your business’s reputation and search engine findability. Customer activity levels, listing accuracy, customer ratings, and competitors are also factored into the score.

How long does it take for listings to accurately reflect the information once it has been initially submitted?

It takes about 3-4 weeks to update all the listings with accurate information for a new client.

Why is it important to have these listings optimized?

It’s important because when someone comes across your business on one of these listings you want to make sure it shows the correct information. Having accurate listings also helps improve your overall SEO and the way in which google ranks your website. Also when doing voice searches on smartphones Siri will pull from listings like these when populating voice search results.

What is Pulse?

Pulse sentiment analysis and text analytics tools give you the ability to delve deeply into the content of customer reviews. Pulse works by using machine learning and artificial intelligence (Sentiment Analysis and Natural Language Processing algorithms) to analyze the text of customer reviews. By using Pulse to analyze this text, you gain an advantage from monitoring how people are feeling about your business, what subjects they’re talking about, and how they’re describing those subjects.

Find the Pulse page at Insights (Dashboard) > Pulse.

What SEO insights are offered?

Views of search insight metrics from Google and Yelp are offered. These metrics can help you understand the frequency and type of search your listings are appearing in, and importantly, what actions people take when they are at the listing. Tracking listing metrics related to actions help you to understand how and whether listings are converting into real-life transactions.

Can I change my office hours?

Yes, if your business hours change on a regular basis (monthly, seasonally, or some other predictable way), you can schedule your regular hours to change automatically. You can do this for one or many locations at once. If additional schedule changes to the regular working hours are needed, you can schedule those updates to happen automatically when needed, too. In addition, you can schedule temporary changes such as holiday hours.

Can I compare my location’s performance with a competitor’s performance?

Yes, you can! The metric types included are reviews, social, Pulse, and local brand visibility (LBV). You can use this information to identify actions to improve your listings and locations to better support your business goals.
To view location comparison metrics, go to Insights and select Location Comparison.

Will I be notified when a new review is posted in the Reputation Dashboard?

Yes, when you receive a review on a recognized listing, you will receive a Review Notification in your email inbox.

How do I connect my Google Business Profile, Facebook, or Yelp to enable full review management?

1. Login to your Reputation Management account.
2. Go to the Settings cog in the upper right corner Settings → Third-Party Credentials → Click “Add Credentials” and select the Listing to sync