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Dr. Patel works in MESA, AZ and specializes in Dentistry.


Dr. Patel's Rating
Patient Perspective
1.0 Explains conditions and treatments
1.0 Takes time to answer my questions
1.0 Provides follow-up as needed
Office Rating
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2311 W BROADWAY RD, MESA, AZ, 85202
n/a Average office wait time
n/a Office cleanliness
n/a Courteous staff
n/a Scheduling flexibility
MESA, AZ, 85202
Showing 1-2 of 2 reviews
"Also the location where i had the terrible experience was Dental Care of Michigan, Shores off of 13 mile and Harper. Seeing the listed locations to choose from THIS LOCATION WAS NOT AN OPTION. Super sketchy."
  • July 11, 2020
"I will never return to this doctor or office. Total scam. Go in to get x-rays done and find out what can be done for a possible cracked tooth. The place is extreme cluttered and dirty. Looks like they put the tools through an autoclave but didn't run it properly. There was no proper color change for sterilization. Barely even looked at my teeth and told me the tooth that was causing intense pain was perfectly fine, but i needed two root canals on non-problem teeth and crowns. I take good care of my teeth and suddenly I need a 'deep' cleaning to scale my teeth and that it will cost $1400. What a scam! Just for a cleaning???? No way. And with the root canals i will likely need $6600 in crowns, for teeth that have no pain or problems. When i started questioning him and asked him re-x-ray the problem tooth. Still said it looked fine, but this "doctor" didn't once use the tools(which i was glad he didn't because i was iffy on the sterilization) at his disposal to prod or investigation the ...
tooth visually. They talked me into a$25 'cancer' screening before i sat down, but after the screening (which was no overhead lights on and some weird light pen thing) he proceeded to bang into my teeth like crazy with the weird pen light. He said it looked like i bit my tongue but that was it. What really set off my doubts and such was when he told the nurse to SHRED THE PAPERWORK FOR THE SCREENING. So now i was really getting weirded out. You never shred signed paperwork for any procedure, it goes in your file . I told him there was some serious pain with the tooth and he then took the back of the mirror tool and started hitting three teeth in a row til he hit the problem tooth and it was so painful i felt i was going to pass out. Then he said it has to be hurting because of the need for the two root canals. At this point is when he leaned waaay too close and made contact with his pelvic region to my arm/breast and i got freaked out and moved myself away from him. I really started to question the need for the work and he back pedaled saying i needed antibiotics and gave me mortin for the 'temporary' pain in the problem tooth. And to come back in two weeks. Hell no i won't be back. Getting the paperwork on the way out the receptionist tried to sell me their discount plan 'Smile Care' for $99. Looking at my receipt info and for the quotes for the dental work she only hands me the info on the 'deep' cleaning. I had to ask for the info on the cost for the root canals and crowns. After getting home and researching the itemized list of procedures it was obvious that they were going to charge me for the most expensive crowns possible without any discussion of other options. By far the most unprofessional and sketchiest dentist office i have ever been to. The way he presented himself was in no way normal for a competent dentist. Going to be notifying my insurance of possible dental fraud and reporting him to the health dept. "
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  • July 11, 2020


MESA, AZ, 85202
  • Medicaid Accepted
  • Medicaid Accepted



This dentist accepts the following plans. This may include dental insurance as well as dental savings plans, an affordable alternative to dental insurance. With a dental savings plan, members can save 10-60% at the dentist. Click here to learn more.


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