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Trung Phan

Dr. Trung Phan



Dr. Phan works in URBANDALE, IA and specializes in Dentistry.


Dr. Phan's Rating
Patient Perspective
3.0 Explains conditions and treatments
1.0 Takes time to answer my questions
1.0 Provides follow-up as needed
Office Rating
Showing ratings for:
n/a Average office wait time
n/a Office cleanliness
n/a Courteous staff
n/a Scheduling flexibility
Showing 1-1 of 1 review
" Northpark Dental Dentist 15 minutes ago One star for the friendly support staff and the nice new office. THE REMAINING 0 STARS ARE FOR DR TRUNG PHAN. I see that he has a lot of positive reviews, so that's why I tried him out. I was so disappointed with the dentist I actually experienced. His chair-side manner was not good, he over-explained simple procedures as if talking to a child, then acted annoyed when I asked him AGAIN to answer the question I ACTUALLY had asked. He's not a good listener, often jumping to his own conclusions and launching into a lecture because of course he is sure he knows ALL. Overall, BE CAREFUL with this provider since his treatment philosophy and expectations of patients are all about proving that he is fully in charge and keeping himself satisfied that he's the only one who knows anything. Yet he expects the patient to handle pre-authorizations by themselves, despite what his Financial Policy states "we will help you determine the coverage you have available." Also apparently I should have known what procedure codes he was planning to bill, even though he hadn't mentioned that detail ahead of time of course. He might reply to this comment with all of the reasons that he's right - because he's ALWAYS right of course. And he definitely let me know that in a condescending way (on phone and over email), making it clear that he is the only one whose opinion matters and that for him, patients are there to shut up and pay up. We had a billing/procedural dispute and I had suggested that it was probably a mutual misunderstanding and wanted to find a middle ground. He was unwilling to consider ANY possibility other than me being COMPLETELY at fault, asserting that I only wanted free service. This was all because (as a new patient) I had not followed his precise script - he LITERALLY sent me the script I should have said! I tried to work things out, and he sent me an email telling me to "just let the professionals do their job, and not make an issue out of something you don’t understand." So arrogant and condescending, and if he replies to this it will be clear. He's very unpleasant to deal with, and does not give a sense of caring for patients other than to collect their money. Yes, he dismissed me from his practice, but not before I FIRED him as my dentist. I should have followed my instinct after that first visit...The bottom line is that I did pay his bill, even when he demanded full payment in 30 days rather than his Payment Policy which states 60 days. Of course he was threatening to send the sheriff to serve me papers. What he doesn't understand is that it wasn't about the money, it's about being treated decently as a patient, not his inferior. Of course, he's entitled to run his business the way he wants. but I suggest anyone considering this dentist to look elsewhere. "
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  • March 29, 2021





This dentist accepts the following plans. This may include dental insurance as well as dental savings plans, an affordable alternative to dental insurance. With a dental savings plan, members can save 10-60% at the dentist. Click here to learn more.


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