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Dr. Desaneedi works in Norton, MA and 26 other locations and specializes in Dentistry.


Dr. Desaneedi's Rating
Patient Perspective
1.0 Explains conditions and treatments
1.0 Takes time to answer my questions
1.0 Provides follow-up as needed
Office Rating
Showing ratings for:
150 E Main St, Norton, MA, 02766
n/a Average office wait time
3.0 Office cleanliness
2.0 Courteous staff
3.0 Scheduling flexibility
Norton Dental Associates
150 E Main St
Norton, MA, 02766
Showing 1-1 of 1 review
"Not very personable. Didn't prescribe antibiotics following a root canal (even when I requested them) and I ended up with a massive abscess. Instead of fixing the abscess himself, I was told to go to a dental student to get it fixed for free. Doesn't give much aftercare information and seems to rush through procedures without much care for the patient. "
  • January 18, 2022


150 E Main St
Norton, MA, 02766
Mon9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Tue8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Wed9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Thu8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Fri8:30 am - 1:00 pm
139 Endicott St
Danvers, MA, 01923
2 Water St
Haverhill, MA, 01830
270 Union St
Lynn, MA, 01901
101 Falls Blvd
Quincy, MA, 02169
1201 Bridge St Ste 4
Lowell, MA, 01850
125 Samoset St
Plymouth, MA, 02360
241 Lincoln Ave
Haverhill, MA, 01830
292 Grove St
Braintree, MA, 02184
373 Broadway
Chelsea, MA, 02150
45 Maverick Sq
Boston, MA, 02128
800 Boston Rd
Springfield, MA, 01119
81 Coggeshall St Ste B
New Bedford, MA, 02746
1225 Liberty St Unit 3
Springfield, MA, 01104
127 Harvard Ave
Allston, MA, 02134
151 Meridian St
Boston, MA, 02128
162 Haverhill St
Methuen, MA, 01844
2 Washington Ave
Chelsea, MA, 02150
314 Moody St Ste B
Waltham, MA, 02453
315 Centre St Ste 3
Jamaica Plain, MA, 02130
334 Broadway
Revere, MA, 02151
339 Squire Rd Suite 150
Revere, MA, 02151
45 Mariano Bishop Blvd
Fall River, MA, 02721
480 Boston Rd Ste
Billerica, MA, 01821
55 Meridian St
Boston, MA, 02128
714 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA, 02139
89 Church St
Lowell, MA, 01852




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