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Dr. Banks-Thompson works in Houston, TX and 32 other locations and specializes in Orthodontics.


Dr. Banks-Thompson's Rating
Patient Perspective
1.0 Explains conditions and treatments
1.0 Takes time to answer my questions
1.0 Provides follow-up as needed
Office Rating
Showing ratings for:
10411 Veterans Memorial Dr, Houston, TX, 77038
n/a Average office wait time
1.0 Office cleanliness
1.0 Courteous staff
1.0 Scheduling flexibility
JDC Healthcare PLLC
10411 Veterans Memorial Dr
Houston, TX, 77038
Showing 1-1 of 1 review
"I’ve been going to this dentist for over 4 years for my son’s braces. After weeks of calling to set out next appointment, we were scheduled JUST to find out that the office is now closed and their numbers are off. I have no way of getting my son’s records transferred. Carlos did my son’s consultation for his braces…found out Carlos us the office manager! Just went to another dentist office and discovered that my son has a tooth that that’s separated from the root from trauma and this office missed that for 4 YEARS!!! Had they caught it before, they would’ve have even recommended braces because the braces made the tooth worse. Malpractice at its finest. I can’t wait to get the license and report everyone to the board. Also found out Dr Banks has other offices in GA that were also suddenly. Absolutely ridiculous and extremely unprofessional."
  • May 9, 2022


10411 Veterans Memorial Dr
Houston, TX, 77038
11241 Veterans Memorial Dr
Houston, TX, 77067
12960 East Fwy
Houston, TX, 77015
13119 Louetta Rd
Cypress, TX, 77429
1315 W Jefferson Blvd
Dallas, TX, 75208
13977 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX, 77077
1437 Highway 6 Ste 200
Sugar Land, TX, 77478
1921 N Main St
Pearland, TX, 77581
226 Fluor Daniel Dr
Sugar Land, TX, 77479
333 N Rivershire Dr Ste 200
Conroe, TX, 77304
4396 Dfw Tpke Ste 110
Dallas, TX, 75211
1107 Gessner Rd Ste A
Houston, TX, 77055
5516 Fry Rd
Katy, TX, 77449
5700 Highway 6 N Ste 200
Houston, TX, 77084
6250 Rufe Snow Dr
Fort Worth, TX, 76148
6644 Garth Rd
Baytown, TX, 77521
8145 Highway 6 S Ste 130
Houston, TX, 77083
8449 Gulf Fwy Ste C
Houston, TX, 77017
9952 FM 1960 Bypass Rd W
Humble, TX, 77338
14004 State Highway 249
Houston, TX, 77086
1500 W Mount Houston Rd
Houston, TX, 77038
2515 Palmer Hwy Ste A
Texas City, TX, 77590
2800 8th Ave
Fort Worth, TX, 76110
2902 S Buckner Blvd Ste 100
Dallas, TX, 75227
3050 S 1st St Ste 233
Garland, TX, 75041
3107 Blalock Rd Ste D
Houston, TX, 77080
4157 Cypress Creek Pkwy
Houston, TX, 77068
5406 Airline Dr
Houston, TX, 77076
5708 Chimney Rock Rd
Houston, TX, 77081
5848 Abrams Rd
Dallas, TX, 75214
6851 Matlock Rd
Arlington, TX, 76002
7410 McCart Ave Ste 100
Fort Worth, TX, 76133
9025 N Sam Houston Pkwy E Ste 160
Humble, TX, 77396
9659 N Sam Houston Pkwy E Ste 103
Humble, TX, 77396



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