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Dr. Theobald works in Oklahoma City, OK and 32 other locations and specializes in Dentistry.


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10914 Hefner Pointe Dr Ste 300
Oklahoma City, OK, 73120
Mon7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tue7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wed7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thu7:00 am - 5:00 pm
1224 SE Washington Blvd
Bartlesville, OK, 74006
1011 E Taft Ave
Sapulpa, OK, 74066
13913 N May Ave
Oklahoma City, OK, 73134
2410 N Highway 81
Duncan, OK, 73533
1420 S Lewis Ave
Tulsa, OK, 74104
1430 Lonnie Abbott Blvd
Ada, OK, 74820
2000 S Highway 66 Ste A
Claremore, OK, 74019
2001 W Lindsey St
Norman, OK, 73069
2401 12th Ave NW Ste 103
Ardmore, OK, 73401
3201 W Broadway St
Muskogee, OK, 74401
3451 W Kenosha St
Broken Arrow, OK, 74012
3811 E 51st St
Tulsa, OK, 74135
4125 W Owen K Garriott Rd
Enid, OK, 73703
6420 NW Expressway
Oklahoma City, OK, 73132
1144 SW 104th St
Oklahoma City, OK, 73139
9405 N Pennsylvania Pl
Oklahoma City, OK, 73120
12106 S Memorial Dr
Bixby, OK, 74008
1308 N Kelly Ave
Edmond, OK, 73003
1333 E Main St Ste B
Weatherford, OK, 73096
14221 N Pennsylvania Ave
Oklahoma City, OK, 73134
19 W Interstate Pkwy
Shawnee, OK, 74804
1900 S Air Depot Blvd Ste 1
Oklahoma City, OK, 73110
2111 NW Cache Rd
Lawton, OK, 73505
2200 N Perkins Rd
Stillwater, OK, 74075
2328 S 4th St
Chickasha, OK, 73018
3101 S Sheridan Rd
Tulsa, OK, 74145
4420 W I 40 Service Rd
Oklahoma City, OK, 73108
611 S George Nigh Expy
McAlester, OK, 74501
6616 S Western Ave
Oklahoma City, OK, 73139
9072 W Highway 70
Durant, OK, 74701
9146 S Sheridan Rd
Tulsa, OK, 74133
1041 E State Highway 152
Mustang, OK, 73064




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