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Dr. Friedman graduated from the New York University School of Medicine in 1971. He works in Jamaica, NY and 7 other locations and specializes in Dentistry.


Dr. Friedman's Rating
Patient Perspective
1.0 Explains conditions and treatments
n/a Takes time to answer my questions
n/a Provides follow-up as needed
Office Rating
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17561 Hillside Ave Ste 301, Jamaica, NY, 11432
n/a Average office wait time
n/a Office cleanliness
n/a Courteous staff
n/a Scheduling flexibility
Dental Resources
17561 Hillside Ave Ste 301
Jamaica, NY, 11432
Showing 1-1 of 1 review
"I visited Dr. Friedman's office today for a cleaning. Mind you, I was a patient of his for many years, but had not been there in 3 years because Dr. Friedman referred me to another doctor to do my Orthodontist work which took about 2 years. Today, I was greeted by a "receptionist" who was very incompetent and kept asking me the same question 3 times. When her co-worker tried to tell her she was asking me the wrong question, the receptionist just huffed and gave me a paper about the COVID19 virus. SHE NEVER TOOK MY TEMPERATURE!!!!! Every doctor's office I have visited since the quarantine was lifted has taken my temperature. Dr. Friedman is very old and I believe has difficulty with his vision. He was wearing these magnigfying glasses and still could not see well enough to clean my teeth. IT WAS THE WORST CLEANING I HAVE EVERY HAD. I could see and feel the tartar still on my teeth. I would not trust him to perform any work on my mouth. SAVE YOURSELF THE TROUBLE AND MONEY. ...
In reference to Dr. Sommer, 3 years ago I went to him for a chipped tooth in the front of my mouth. On the 3rd try, he bonded my two front teeth together, resulting in both of them breaking. I had to see a Prosthodontist ($5000) to make crowns for my four front teeth to correct my smile. They are old and only there to supplement their Social Security money. They are very much paste the retirement age 75 +. Do yourself a favor and find a more innovative and quality dentist. "
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  • August 25, 2020


17561 Hillside Ave Ste 301
Jamaica, NY, 11432
17567 Hillside Ave
Jamaica, NY, 11432
Robert B Friedman
18 E 40th St Floor 8
New York, NY, 10016
1995 Broadway Ste 200
New York, NY, 10023
57 W 58th St
New York, NY, 10019
1733 Route 9W
Lake Katrine, NY, 12449
18 E 50th St
New York, NY, 10022
970 N Broadway Ste 306
Yonkers, NY, 10701




Dental School
New York University School Of Medicine
Graduated 1971


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