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Richard Moore

Dr. Richard Wallace Moore, DDS

50 Years Experience


ABOUT DR. MOORE Personal Bio Dr. Richard W. Moore, a general dentist from Vancouver, Washington is a 1977 graduate of Northwestern University Dental School. Dr. Moore has lectured widely throughout North America since 1993, on the topic of dentistry's role in the management of the airway. Presentations vary from 2 to 16 hours of professional continuing education on all topics and aspects of the field of dental sleep medicine. An early member, he was elected to a three-year term (1996-1999) on the board of directors of the (ADSM) Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (, an international society dedicated to the dissemination of current information in this growing field of dentistry. He also served as the Chairman of the Corporate Relations Committee. Dr. Moore is a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine. Efforts of the ADSM have resulted in concurrent international meetings with the Association of Professional Sleep Societies annually in June. The ADSM has members on standing committees of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Dr. Moore has limited his practice to airway management. As President and CEO of a commercial dental laboratory and dental manufacturing company (Comfort Acrylics, Inc. –, Dr. Moore has participated in the research and development of appliances that hybridize mandibular repositioning with nasal and oral positive airway pressure. Comfort Acrylics, Inc. is a certified, ISO 9001 compliant, medical device manufacturer, in compliance with all provisions of the federal code regulating the fabrication of medical devices. Dr. Moore is the co-inventor and developer of Talon®, a thermoplastic methacrylate sold to dental laboratories from Halifax to Perth. [email protected] 7931 NE Halsey - Suite 305 Portland, OR 97213 503.255.1200        503.408.6856 fax
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10220 SW Greenburg Rd Ste 150
Portland, OR, 97223




Dental School
Northwestern University The Feinberg School Of Medicine
Graduated 1974


Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor's office as it may change frequently.


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