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Richard Bohme

Dr. Richard K. Bohme

33 Years Experience


ABOUT DR. BOHME Dayton Ohio Dentist Dr. Richard Bohme is a General Dentist practicing in Dayton, Ohio for over 20 years. He has been quoted as one of the top General Dentists in all of Southwest Ohio by the largest Dental Supply Company in the United States. He has state of the art technology in his practice to ensure that patients of all ages receive the best dental care possible. Dr. Bohme has built a reputation on “painless dentistry” and patients travel from other cities to be treated in his office because of this. Dr. Bohme is very active in Dayton, Ohio and in the dental community. He sits on the Board for the Dayton Dental Society and volunteers his time once a month at the state level to represent the dental community for a national non-profit organization. Dr. Bohme balances being a dentist in Dayton, Ohio with spending time with his two daughters and his love for golf. Dr. Bohme practices Monday – Thursday and can often be found with his two daughters on Friday, or at Miami Valley Golf Club with friends. Having lived in Dayton for over 20 years, the Miami Valley area is definitely “home” to him. He grew up in Cincinnait and attended Miami University for undergrad, where he graduated in 1987.  He then went to The Ohio State University College of Dentistry, where he earned his D.D.S. in 1991.  After dental school, Dr. Bohme elected to further his dental training by attending The Medical College of Ohio where he did a residency in General Dentistry which allowed him to not only practice dentistry in a practice environment, but also a hospital environment. 
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Office cleanliness
Courteous staff
Scheduling flexibility

Based on patient feedback.


Dr. Bohme's Rating
Patient Perspective
3.0 Explains conditions and treatments
2.5 Takes time to answer my questions
2.5 Provides follow-up as needed
Office Rating
Showing ratings for:
545 W Siebenthaler Ave, Dayton, OH, 45405
n/a Average office wait time
5.0 Office cleanliness
5.0 Courteous staff
5.0 Scheduling flexibility
545 W Siebenthaler Ave
Dayton, OH, 45405
Showing 1-3 of 3 reviews
"Cutting edge dentistry, crown while you wait, same day. He solved a problem with a painful molar that other dentists could not in a matter of minutes. Highly recommended. "
  • February 22, 2021
" Everything he did over a 6 yr span must be done over. Most recent was his creation of a serious overbite with Cerec crowns on 4 of my front teeth resulting in #9 breaking off, creating a missing tooth and hard bite pressure and pain on the other 3. He is not skilled in creating realistic crowns. He did an implant and created a crown with the post visible looking like decay. He does not practice painless denistry as advertised. If your dental care requires more than cleanings and fillings, go elsewhere. My experience with him was terrible and he tried to buy my silence."
  • August 3, 2020
" Everything he did over a 6 yr span must be done over. Most recent was his creation of a serious overbite with Cerec crowns on 4 of my front teeth resulting in #9 breaking off, creating a missing tooth and hard bite pressure and pain on the other 3. He is not skilled in creating realistic crowns. He did an implant and created a crown with the post visible looking like decay. He does not practice painless denistry as advertised. If your dental care requires more than cleanings and fillings, go elsewhere. My experience with him was terrible and he tried to buy my silence."
  • August 3, 2020


545 W Siebenthaler Ave
Dayton, OH, 45405




Dental School
Ohio State University College Of Medicine
Graduated 1991


This dentist accepts the following plans. This may include dental insurance as well as dental savings plans, an affordable alternative to dental insurance. With a dental savings plan, members can save 10-60% at the dentist. Click here to learn more.


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