Dr. Rahul Banerjee , MD
Dr. Rahul Banerjee , MD
Dr. Rahul Banerjee is a board-certified, fellowship trained orthopaedic surgeon. Dr. Banerjee’s clinical interests include hip and knee replacement (including direct anterior hip replacement), treatment of fractures and injuries, and management of complex orthopaedic problems including malunions, nonunions, deformity, infections, leg length discrepancies and bone loss.
Dr. Banerjee graduated with honors from Brown University and completed medical school at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine where he was inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha honors society. Dr. Banerjee completed his orthopaedic surgery residency at Brown University and spent an additional year completing an orthopaedic trauma fellowship under the leadership of Dr. Peter G. Trafton, MD.
After completion of his training, Dr. Banerjee served in the United States Air Force and attained the rank of Major. Dr. Banerjee was assigned to work with the United States Army, treating injured patients …and training orthopaedic residents at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, TX. During his service, he was deployed to the War in Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and treated many injured soldiers and civilians.After completion of his military service, Dr. Banerjee joined the faculty at University of Texas Southwestern as Assistant Clinical Professor. While at UT Southwestern, Dr. Banerjee trained residents and fellows and provided care to patients with complex fractures and injuries at Parkland Memorial Hospital and UT Southwestern.
In 2010, Dr. Banerjee helped to organize a joint volunteer medical mission with teams from Parkland and Shock Trauma to assist the injured after the earthquake in Haiti.
Dr. Banerjee is the recipient of numerous awards and honors including the Air Force Commendation Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Achievement Medal, the Howard Rosen Teaching Award from AO North America. He is an active member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the Orthopaedic Trauma Association.. In addition, Dr. Banerjee has authored over 25 peer-reviewed publications and numerous textbook chapters on the treatment of orthopaedic problems.
Based on patient feedback.
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No data
- July 18, 2023
- April 1, 2023
- August 8, 2022
- May 3, 2022
- January 20, 2022
- January 20, 2022
- January 19, 2022
- December 14, 2021
- September 26, 2021
- June 24, 2021
- January 23, 2021
- October 2, 2020
- Fractures, Dislocations, Derangement, and Sprains
- Osteoarthritis
- Shoulder Fracture
- Clavicle fractures
- Distal Radius Fracture
- Hand Fractures
- Metacarpal Fracture
- Forearm Fractures
- Radial Head Fracture
- Hip Arthritis
- Knee Arthritis
- Tibial Plateau Fractures
- Patellar Tendon Tear
- Scapula Fractures
- Fracture Nonunions
- Fracture Malunions
- Limb Length Discrepancy
- Bone Defects and Bone Loss
- Trigger Finger
- Phalanx Fractures
- Metacarpal Fractures
- Hand Infections
- Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
- Ulnar Neuropathy
- Elbow Nerve Disorders
- Elbow Dislocation
- Elbow Arthritis
- Elbow Instability
- Forearm Deformity
- Post-traumatic Deformity
- Pelvic Insufficiency Fractures
- Pelvic Ring Injuries
- Acetabular(Hip socket) Fractures
- Femoral Head Fractures
- Intertrochanteric Femur Fractures
- Femoral Neck Fractures
- Hip Fractures
- Hip Deformity
- Hip Infections
- Periprosthetic Total Hip Fractures
- Quadriceps Tendon Rupture
- Patella Fracture
- Knee Infections
- Periprosthetic Total Knee Fractures
- Distal Femur Fractures
- Ankle Fractures
- Ankle Instability
- Post Traumatic Ankle Deformity
- Post Traumatic Ankle Arthritis
- Ankle Arthritis
- Distal Tibia (Pilon) Fractures
- Talus Fractures
- Metatarsal Fractures
- Hammertoes
- Bunions
- Claw Toes
- Foot Deformity
- Foot Arthritis
- Toe and Forefoot Fractures
- Calcaneus Fractures
- Shoulder Pain
- Elbow Fractures
- Rotator cuff syndrome
- Sciatica
- Lateral Epicondylitis
- Internal Derangement of Knee
- Internal Derangement of Knee Cartilage
- ORIF Shoulder Fractures
- ORIF Clavicle Fractures
- ORIF Scapula Fractures
- ORIF Humerus Fractures
- ORIF Distal Radius Fractures
- Trigger Finger Release
- Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery
- Surgical Treatment of Hand Infections
- ORIF Hand Fractures
- Surgical Treatment of Wrist Deformity(Malunions)
- ORIF Forearm Fractures
- Surgical Treatment of Elbow Instability
- Surgical Treatment of Elbow Stiffness
- Surgical Treatment of Elbow Arthritis
- Surgical Treatment of Elbow Dislocation
- Total Elbow Arthroplasty
- Revision Total Elbow Arthroplasty
- Surgical Treatment of Elbow Nerve Disorders
- Cubital Tunnel Release
- Ulnar Nerve Transposition
- Total Hip Replacement (Arthroplasty)
- Direct Anterior Hip Replacement (Arthroplasty)
- Robotic Assisted Hip Replacement
- Anterior Total Hip Replacement
- Total Hip Revision
- Surgical Treatment of Hip Infections
- ORIF of Periprosthetic Hip Fractures
- ORIF of Acetabular Fractures
- ORIF of Pelvic Ring Injuries
- Percutaneous Fixation of Acetabular Fractures
- Percutaneous Fixation of Pelvic Ring Injuries
- Treatment of Pelvic Insufficiency Fractures
- Surgical Treatment of Pelvic Deformity
- Hip Osteotomy
- Knee Osteotomy
- Treatment of Post-traumatic Deformity
- Surgical Repair of Patellar Tendon Ruptures
- Surgical Repair of Quadriceps Tendon Ruptures
- ORIF Patella Fractures
- Surgical Treatment of Knee Infections
- ORIF Periprosthetic Total Knee Fractures
- ORIF Tibial Plateau Fractures
- ORIF Distal Femur Fractures
- Total Knee Replacement
- Robotic Assisted Total Knee Replacement (Arthroplasty)
- Total Knee Replacement (Arthroplasty)
- Surgical Treatment for Ankle Arthritis
- Surgical Treatment of Ankle Deformity
- Surgical Treatment of Ankle Instability
- Surgical Repair of Achilles Tendon Ruptures
- Ankle Fusion
- ORIF Distal Tibia(pilon) Fractures
- ORIF Ankle Fractures
- Surgical treatment of Foot Deformity
- Midfoot Fusion
- Subtalar Fusion
- Foot Fusions
- ORIF Toe Fractures
- ORIF Midfoot Fractures
- ORIF Calcaneus Fractures
- ORIF Talus Fractures
- Surgical Treatment of Malunion
- Surgical Treatment of Nonunion
- ORIF Distal Humerus
- Leg Fractures/Dislocations
- ORIF Elbow
- ORIF Olecranon
- Surgical Treatment of Fractures (ORIF)
- Hip/Femur Fractures and Dislocations
- Hip Replacement
- Carpal Tunnel Decompression
- Occupational Therapy Evaluation
- Knee Arthroscopy
- Carpal Tunnel Decompression
- Lower Leg/Ankle Fractures and Dislocations
- Shoulder Surgery
- Lower Arm/Elbow/Wrist Fractures and Dislocations
- Knee Replacement
Languages Spoken
- English
- Spanish
- Accepts Medicare
- CIGNA LocalPlus
- UHC Choice Plus POS
- FirstCare PPO
- First Health PPO
- FirstCare Select
- Aetna Choice POS II
- Aetna HMO
- UHC Options PPO
- CIGNA Open Access Plus
- BCBS TX BlueChoice
- Aetna Signature Administrators PPO
- BCBS TX Blue Advantage HMO
- Aetna Managed Choice POS Open Access
- BCBS Blue Card PPO
- UHC Navigate POS
- UHC Navigate HMO
- Multiplan PPO
- BCBS TX HMO Blue Texas
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