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Dr. Soleiman works in New York, NY and specializes in Dentistry.


Office cleanliness

Based on patient feedback.


Dr. Soleiman's Rating
Patient Perspective
2.0 Explains conditions and treatments
1.0 Takes time to answer my questions
3.0 Provides follow-up as needed
Office Rating
Showing ratings for:
527 Malcolm X Blvd, New York, NY, 10037
n/a Average office wait time
4.0 Office cleanliness
1.0 Courteous staff
3.0 Scheduling flexibility
527 Malcolm X Blvd
New York, NY, 10037
Showing 1-1 of 1 review
"Dr. Soleiman Rabanipour, DDS Seem caring and proper. He worked on my tooth #22. Unbeknownst to me he requested payment from my insurance for #21. I stopped seeing Dr. Soleiman Rabanipour because my insurance had changed and his office don’t accept my new insurance. My new dentist submitted approval for tooth #21 and it was refused because it was paid for. I went back to Dr. Soleiman Rabanipour, DDS and explained everything and I asked him to correct the issue so that I may continue getting my care, I’m having lots of pain and need to get it fixed. He said it was their error he would do it for free and asked me to return because if he submits to correct the issue it would take too long. I was impressed and happy he acknowledged it was their error and was willing to help me. So kind of him and professional. I returned and it was like dealing with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. He doesn’t recall and he is looking at the paper work and telling me if he fix it who’s paying him? I said I asked you to ...
correct the paper work, you asked me to return and you would fix it. He continues dancing around with no intentions of helping me. His front staff are very condescending and immature for their age and seeing him react this way made me realize this is why his staff is this way. Needless to say nothing has gotten done but I’m not giving up I will figure out how to correct this issue. "
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  • May 18, 2022


527 Malcolm X Blvd
New York, NY, 10037



This dentist accepts the following plans. This may include dental insurance as well as dental savings plans, an affordable alternative to dental insurance. With a dental savings plan, members can save 10-60% at the dentist. Click here to learn more.


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