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Dr. Rallis was born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska, and is excited to be back in his hometown treating family and friends. He graduated from Lincoln East High School where he was active in both track and cross country. After graduation, he attended the University of Nebraska Lincoln majoring in Biology. After college, Dr. Rallis attended the University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Dentistry, graduating with high distinction in 2006. This achievement earned him a position in the Orthodontic Residency Program at the University of Oklahoma from which he graduated in December 2008. During residency he was exposed to a broad range of orthodontic techniques from traditional braces to the most advanced treatment methods. In January 2009, Dr. Rallis joined Dr. Wayne Summers who practiced for over 25 years and transitioned the practice to what is now Rallis Orthodontics, where he provides exceptional care for his patients in a fun, yet professional, environment. He is passionate about improving smiles, one patient at a time. Dr. Rallis loves spending time with his family, especially his niece. He also enjoys traveling, running, rock climbing, skiing, and working out. He has one brother, David, who trained at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and now practices here in Lincoln. Dr. Rallis is dedicated to the orthodontics profession. He is a part-time orthodontics instructor at the UNMC College of Dentistry. Additionally, he is a member of the American Association of Orthodontists, the Nebraska Society of Orthodontists, the Midwest Society of Orthodontists, the American Dental Association, Nebraska Dental Association, and the Lincoln Dental District Association.
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Rallis And Bonilla Orthodontics
3256 Salt Creek Cir
Lincoln, NE, 68504
Rallis Orthodontics
8328 Dawson Creek Bay
Lincoln, NE, 68505


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