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Dr. Arias works in Indio, CA and 3 other locations and specializes in Dentistry and Orthodontics.


Dr. Arias' Rating
Patient Perspective
1.0 Explains conditions and treatments
1.0 Takes time to answer my questions
1.0 Provides follow-up as needed
Office Rating
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46100 Rubidoux St Ste C1, Indio, CA, 92201
n/a Average office wait time
1.0 Office cleanliness
1.0 Courteous staff
1.0 Scheduling flexibility
Dental Del Valle
46100 Rubidoux St Ste C1
Indio, CA, 92201
Showing 1-1 of 1 review
"Do not go to DDV!! BARBARIC dental care!! "There is no reason for pain in today's dental care," said my sister-in-law who is a dentist in L.A., after telling her about my experience at ddv. My teeth were cleaned by a nurse aide called, Angel, his care was TORTUROUS!! He used a drill from beginning to end, never used a soft tool, and slopped on the wax in seconds. Finished entire cleaning in ten minutes. Seemed to be in a rush, and zero compassion for pain. I have never had more pain in a dental chair!! And, I bled unbelievably for hours! After complaining and being brought back in to see dr arias, to check Angel's work, Dr Arias condoned the intense pain inducing technique by saying, that's how we do it here, and then said something about my insurance, maybe insuating that if i had better insurance it would have been less painful, you be the judge. Mr. Arias, everyone, regardless of insurance, is entitled to pain free dental care, at least in America. We do not have to take that abuse here in America. There are many perameters set up to deter abuse. The California Dental Board is one for example. That is where I am going to file a complaint, to make sure this does not happen to others. You have been warned. What ever you do, protect yourself, loved ones; grandmother and children, from Angel, you do not have to take that abuse."
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  • November 21, 2023


46100 Rubidoux St Ste C1
Indio, CA, 92201
1715 W Redlands Blvd Ste B
Redlands, CA, 92373
45975 Fargo St Ste 1
Indio, CA, 92201
72855 Fred Waring dr Ste C17 & C18
La Quinta, CA, 92253
72-855 Fred Waring dr Ste C17 & C18
La Quinta, CA, 92253
72855 Fred Waring Dr Ste C17-C18
Palm Desert, CA, 92260
79255 Highway 111 Ste 1a&1b
La Quinta, CA, 92253


This dentist accepts the following plans. This may include dental insurance as well as dental savings plans, an affordable alternative to dental insurance. With a dental savings plan, members can save 10-60% at the dentist. Click here to learn more.


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