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Download Dr. Neil's Curriculum Vitae View Dr. Neil's Curriculum Vitae Dr. Neil Warshawsky (Dr. Neil to his patients) is a resident of the Village of Glenview. He grew up in Lincolnwood and was encouraged at the young age of 5 by a cousin who was an orthodontist to pursue a career in orthodontics as he enjoyed working with his hands. Dr. Warshawsky attended the University of Illinois, where he earned all 5 of his college degrees in 9 years, concluding with a certificate in Orthodontics. Dr. Neil has over 15 years of experience with cleft palate and craniofacial cases, working with children of all ages from 2 weeks old and up. He also lends his support to all the craniofacial teams in and around the city of Chicago. Along with working with children, Dr. Neil also has a high concentration of adults who aspire to correct their malocclusions. Most of these adults prefer not having their appliance system show for various reasons, and as a result, Dr. Neil has become a high volume user of Invisalign achieving Premier practice status, a feat less than 10% OF ALL PRACTICES ACHIEVE WORLDWIDE. Additionally, Dr. Neil was instrumental in helping market an alternative clear aligner solution. To satisfy more difficult cases that are looking for comprehensive orthodontic correction, Dr. Neil uses iBraces, a completely customized lingual solution for patients who absolutely want the best looking, most accurate system available for the orthodontic industry, bar none. Dr. Neil's dedication and hard work with iBraces has earned him a place on their Board of Directors, and he is one of four individuals who speaks on behalf of iBraces nationwide. Dr. Neil is a nationally and internationally recognized speaker on various topics. He has been featured on television interviews on ABC7 as well as Fox 32 in Chicago. He has been in numerous articles ranging from the Chicago Tribune, to the pioneer press discussing orthodontic issues of various nature. He has authored over 13 journal articles in 15 years and recently has assisted a graduate student complete a masters thesis at the University of Illinois and regularly speaks to the graduate students there as well. Dr. Neil has dedicated his life to orthodontics, and it will be obvious as you tour one of his offices. Dr. Warshawsky has offices in Lincolnshire, Orland Park, Hyde Park, and 8 blocks west of Wrigley Field in the Lakeview neighborhood on the north side of Chicago. His practice is a paperless practice and was one of the first few practices in the country to go completely digital. Outside of work Dr. Neil is supported by his high school sweetheart, Michelle. When he is not working, you may find him at Tae Kwon Do with his 3 children, or at one of the various roles he volunteers for at Boy Scouts, Glenview Youth Baseball, AYSO, or possibly just fishing at the family cabin up in the north woods. Outside of the office, you may find Dr. Neil snow skiing, cycling, exploring digital photography, working with computers, playing with model trains, boating, checking out electronic toys, or listening to classic rock and roll.
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275 Parkway Dr Ste 523
Lincolnshire, IL, 60069
811 S Paulina St Ste 152
Chicago, IL, 60612



This dentist accepts the following plans. This may include dental insurance as well as dental savings plans, an affordable alternative to dental insurance. With a dental savings plan, members can save 10-60% at the dentist. Click here to learn more.


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