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Michael Imboden, DDS Dr. Imboden was born in Enid, Oklahoma and attended high school in Moore, Oklahoma. He earned his BS in biochemistry and his DDS from the University of Oklahoma. His passion for science and helping people made dentistry a natural career choice. Since graduation, Dr. Imboden has provided personalized dental care by getting to know and enjoy every patient in his care. He enjoys treating children, as well as adults, and particularly likes planning comprehensive cases. According to Dr. Imboden, the best part of being a dentist is seeing the smiles and knowing they represent sincere happiness and good health. A lifelong learner, Dr. Imboden invests in post-graduate study and has attended the renowned Schuster Center for Professional Development in Scottsdale, Arizona and The Dawson Academy in St. Petersburg, Florida. The doctor is also an active member of the McKinney Chamber of Commerce and Links. Outside the office, Dr. Imboden enjoys weightlifting, playing the guitar, bowling, watching sports on TV, and spending time with family, friends, and his wife, Erica. Call today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Imboden. Our McKinney, TX dental office provides quality, patient-focused dentistry to residents of McKinney, Allen, Frisco, Little Elm, Fairview, and surrounding areas. back to about us
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5430 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Ste 1200
Dallas, TX, 75240
2301 Eldorado Pkwy Ste 500
McKinney, TX, 75070



This dentist accepts the following plans. This may include dental insurance as well as dental savings plans, an affordable alternative to dental insurance. With a dental savings plan, members can save 10-60% at the dentist. Click here to learn more.


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