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Kenton Susott

Dr. Kenton A. Susott, DDS



Meet Dr. Susott Kenton A. Susott, DDS, MS I enjoy being an orthodontist because I have the opportunity to help so many patients improve their appearance and self-confidence! Nothing brings me more pleasure than seeing our patients leave with a beautiful new smile. Education and Continuing Education For my education, I attained my Undergraduate Degree, Doctor of Dental Surgery and Orthodontic Certificate from Indiana University. I attend several state and national continuing education programs every year. These programs educate me on shorter treatments and improved clinical outcomes, which benefit my patients. Experience I was an assistant professor at the Indiana University Orthodontic Graduate Program from 1973 to 1982, and I have been a full-time orthodontist since 1983. I've learned a lot through the years, both about orthodontics and about the people in our community. Every day is new and different for me, as each patient has different and unique diagnoses to be corrected. But my patients mean more to me than just teeth; I enjoy getting to know them personally and building connections throughout treatment. When I see my patients with beautiful smiles and significant improvements in their self-confidence, I know I did my job well. Family Life I am originally from Evansville, Indiana, and have lived in Zionsville since 1980. My wife, Mary, and I have three wonderful children who have all graduated from college. Chris graduated from DePauw University, Jane went to Duke University, and Bill attended the IU Kelly School of Business. When the kids were younger, I was a baseball coach for the Zionsville Little League, and a basketball coach at the Zionsville Boys and Girls Club. In my spare time, I enjoy playing golf and wood working projects, especially making reproductions of 17th and 18th American furniture. American Association of Orthodontists® On this site, you can learn about orthodontic specialists in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. The correction of tooth and jaw alignment results in a healthy, attractive smile that’s good for life. Meet Dr. Susott / Meet Our Orthodontic Team
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3916 Shore Dr
Indianapolis, IN, 46254


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