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Dr. Karivalavan works in Adrian, MI and 21 other locations and specializes in Dentistry.


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1515 E US Highway 223 Ste G
Adrian, MI, 49221
2165 N Telegraph Rd
Monroe, MI, 48162
3320 Alpine Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI, 49544
3375 S Airport Rd W
Traverse City, MI, 49684
3505 Wilder Rd Ste A
Bay City, MI, 48706
4459 E Blue Grass Rd Apt D
Mount Pleasant, MI, 48858
1113 Boardman Rd
Jackson, MI, 49202
1515 E US Highway 223
Adrian, MI, 49221
1520 Joe Mann Blvd
Midland, MI, 48642
22010 Eureka Rd
Taylor, MI, 48180
22020 Eureka Rd
Taylor, MI, 48180
2685 Tittabawassee Rd Ste 1
Saginaw, MI, 48605
3201 E Grand River Ave
Lansing, MI, 48912
3351 W Shore Dr Ste 20
Holland, MI, 49424
3767 28th St SE
Grand Rapids, MI, 49512
4391 Canal Ave SW Ste A
Grandville, MI, 49418
50503 Gratiot Ave
Chesterfield, MI, 48051
5350 Harvey St Ste D
Muskegon, MI, 49444
6385 B Dr N
Battle Creek, MI, 49014
6714 S Westnedge Ave
Portage, MI, 49002
8379 W Grand River Ave
Brighton, MI, 48116
G3538 Miller Rd Ste A
Flint, MI, 48507



This dentist accepts the following plans. This may include dental insurance as well as dental savings plans, an affordable alternative to dental insurance. With a dental savings plan, members can save 10-60% at the dentist. Click here to learn more.


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