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James Gideon

Dr. James A. Gideon, MD

Internal MedicineRheumatology


*Dr. Gideon has started his own practice in Bluffton, OH, after parting ways with BVMA. Dr. James a Gideon is a Cleveland Clinic-trained rheumatologist. His medical school training was at The Ohio State University. His internship and residency were at the University of Cincinnati hospital. He is board certified in the comprehensive practice of internal medicine. He has been practicing rheumatology since completing his fellowship training in 2002. Prior to entering medicine, Dr. Gideon was trained in chemical engineering and worked for the Centers for Disease Control/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health until 1992, as Branch Chief of the Engineering Control Technology Branch. During that time he developed widely respected expertise in this field, and served as an expert witness in numerous health standards as well as managing a comprehensive research program to prevent occupational disease. He has numerous publications in this area. He earned a PhD in environmental health at the University of Cincinnati. The combination of broad based experience both in engineering, public-health, environmental health, occupational health, and complex problem-solving helps provide a basis for creative, effective, and comprehensive medical care.
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132 Garau St
Bluffton, OH, 45817



Cleveland Clinic Health System


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