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Hugh Zadeh

Dr. Hugh B. Zadeh

DentistryOral & Maxillofacial Surgery
18 Years Experience


Dr. Zadeh graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 2006. Dr. Zadeh works in Woodbridge, VA and 1 other location and specializes in Dentistry and Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.


Dr. Zadeh's Rating
Patient Perspective
n/a Explains conditions and treatments
n/a Takes time to answer my questions
n/a Provides follow-up as needed
Office Rating
Showing ratings for:
2020 Opitz Blvd Ste A, Woodbridge, VA, 22191
n/a Average office wait time
1.0 Office cleanliness
1.0 Courteous staff
1.0 Scheduling flexibility
2020 Opitz Blvd Ste A
Woodbridge, VA, 22191
Showing 1-1 of 1 review
"The doctor was very nice, however, I feel that he didn't explain to me what the final costs from start to finish would be. When I paid Dr. Zadeh $5600 for two implants, I thought that was the full cost for everything. Come to find out you have to get the actual crowns that connect to your implants from your regular dentist, so I have to pay another $2600 out of pocket, so what I thought was going to be around $6000 which to me was already so much money; wound up being around $9000 out of pocket. Lastly, I just I found out by my regular dentist that I have a cavity in a tooth right behind the implant site and yet it was never pointed out to me. I realize that he is not a general dentist but you would think after doing a 360 degree X-ray they would have seen the cavity and pointed it out to me. Now instead of just getting a cavity filled (no cost through my insurance), I have to get an extraction and leave the area empty, or pay for another implant, which there is no way I am doing that. Or lastly, possibly do a root canal and crown, which will not be covered by my insurance since I am using the 1500 allotted each year toward the crowns for the implants, so in the end I have to pay a ton of money on top of the 9000 grand I already paid out of pocket. "
Read more
  • February 2, 2021


2020 Opitz Blvd Ste A
Woodbridge, VA, 22191
7611 Little River Tpke Ste 101
Annandale, VA, 22003



Dental School
University Of Pennsylvania School Of Medicine
Graduated 2006


This dentist accepts the following plans. This may include dental insurance as well as dental savings plans, an affordable alternative to dental insurance. With a dental savings plan, members can save 10-60% at the dentist. Click here to learn more.
  • Delta Dental PPO
  • Delta Dental Premier
  • Assurant DHA
  • Ameritas PPO
  • Principal Dental PPO
  • Guardian DentalGuard Preferred
  • MetLife PDP
  • DenteMax Dental
  • Humana Dental PPO
  • United Healthcare Dental PPO
  • CIGNA Dental DHMO
  • United Concordia Advantage Plus PPO
  • BCCA Dental Blue 100/200/300
  • United Concordia National Fee-For-Service
  • Dental Network of America DPPO
  • CompBenefits PPO
  • CareFirst Regional Preferred Dental PPO
  • CareFirst Regional Traditional Dental
  • Emblem Dental - Preferred Plus
  • Assurant DHA Premier
  • CIGNA Radius Network
  • United Concordia Alliance
  • CIGNA Total DPPO


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