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Hans Sperling

Dr. Hans Sperling



Dental Care Center of Hollywood - Hans Sperling, DMD - Hollywood, FL Dentist Dr. Hans Sperling is a graduate of Javeriana University Dental School in Bogota, Colombia and from Tufts University Dental School in Boston, MA. He has also attended the University of Texas Dental School at San Antonio where he has conducted research and furthered his studies. Dr. Sperling has been practicing Dentistry since 1992 and absolutely loves it. Completely devoted to his practice and his patients, Dr. Sperling has taken numerous continuing education courses in the fields of Implant Dentistry and Orthodontics. Dr. Sperling shows his commitment for continuing education by being a member of the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), Academy of Osseointegration (AO) and the International Association for Orthodontics (IAO). Dr. Hans Sperling has a passion for teaching and has held teaching positions at the Colombian College of Dentistry and the Colombian School of Medicine, Dental School. He has also worked closely with his father, Dr. Thomas Sperling, who has been a teacher and mentor, sharing more than 45 years of experience. Currently Dr. Hans Sperling volunteers his time at the Lindsay Hopkins Institute in Miami, Fl. The institute is training grounds for Dental Assistants and Dental Hygienists, and gives back to the community by treating people with scarce resources. Dr. Sperling loves to spend time with his wife of 18 years and his two girls by being outdoors, either in a park or just hanging out. He also loves his Dog, Charlie, and enjoys playing golf and cycling; he rides with Team Memorial from Memorial Hospital.
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3900 Hollywood Blvd Ste 304
Hollywood, FL, 33021



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