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Gary S Leff D.D.S., M.P.H. Dr Leff attended the University of Texas at Austin, where he graduated with honors with a degree in French Literature. He attended dental school and did his post-doctoral studies in Endodontics at the University of Texas. He practiced Endodontics and taught in Tel-Aviv, Israel for 2 years; For the past 21 years, he has practiced in Northern Virginia. In 1995, Dr Leff received his Masters in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University. He has served on the International Steering Committee of the American Dental Association, and chaired the dental division of Health Volunteers Overseas, which sends volunteer doctors, dentists, and nurses to train and educate health care professionals in 25 developing countries around the world . He currently serves on the World Dental Development Committee of the World Dental Federation, which works to improve oral health in developing countries. Dr Leff is a fellow of the International College of Dentists and a Paul Harris fellow of Rotary International, and in his spare time, enjoys fly-fishing, especially with his 11 year old daughter.
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Dr. Leff's Rating
Patient Perspective
n/a Explains conditions and treatments
n/a Takes time to answer my questions
n/a Provides follow-up as needed
Office Rating
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11710 Plaza America Dr Ste 150, Reston, VA, 20190
n/a Average office wait time
n/a Office cleanliness
n/a Courteous staff
n/a Scheduling flexibility
Drs. Levin, Leff & Pollock
11710 Plaza America Dr Ste 150
Reston, VA, 20190


11710 Plaza America Dr Ste 150
Reston, VA, 20190
311 Park Ave
Falls Church, VA, 22046
3801 Fairfax Dr Ste 40
Arlington, VA, 22203
9673 Main St Ste C
Fairfax, VA, 22031
8987 Hersand Dr
Burke, VA, 22015
3110 2ND ST W
St. Petersburg Beach, FL, 33706


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