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For additional information or registration, please contact Dr. Fadi Ayoub [email protected] NERB Review & Preparation Programs A & B A. Restorative Care This course is designed to prepare the NERB candidate that has attempted but has not successfully completed the Restorative exercise of the licensing exam. The course is for candidates who want to practice preparations and restorations but do not require patient care. The course includes the opportunity for up to 5 days of practice. This course is available on an individual basis since faculty are specifically identified to meet the needs of the candidate. The NERB candidate will have the opportunity to maintain and improve skills as it pertains to cavity preparation and restoration of Class II amalgams and Class III or IV anterior restorations. The candidate will also have the opportunity to review patient charts for appropriate board cases. B. Simulated Patient Treatment Clinical Exercise This course is designed to prepare the NERB candidate that has attempted but has not successfully completed the manequin exercises of the licensing exam. The course includes the opportunity for up to 5 days of practice. This course is available on an individual basis since faculty are specifically identified to meet the needs of the candidate. The NERB candidate will have the opportunity to maintain and improve skills as it pertains to the prepared porcelain fused to metal abutment, the prepared cast metal crown abutment, the simulated fixed partial denture restoration and/or the Endodontic procedure. For additional information or registration, please contact Dr. Fadi Ayoub [email protected] UB Continuing Dental Education is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. UB Continuing Dental Education designates activities for various numbers of hours/continuing education credits.
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210A Squire Hall
Buffalo, NY, 14214
3951 Main St
Buffalo, NY, 14226



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