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Dr. Luong works in Lakewood, CA and 1 other location and specializes in Dentistry.


Dr. Luong's Rating
Patient Perspective
n/a Explains conditions and treatments
n/a Takes time to answer my questions
n/a Provides follow-up as needed
Office Rating
Showing ratings for:
4180 Woodruff Ave, Lakewood, CA, 90713
n/a Average office wait time
n/a Office cleanliness
n/a Courteous staff
n/a Scheduling flexibility
D And D Dental
4180 Woodruff Ave
Lakewood, CA, 90713
Showing 1-1 of 1 review
"I hate to leave negative reviews and I normally just grit my teeth and bear with it (pun intended). But the level of substandard work done on my teeth is frightening. I would never refer anyone to Dr. Luong's dental practice. During my first visit, I thought I was being upsold when the Dr. wanted to do "3" root Canals. 3!!! On one of them, he wanted to tear through an existing bridge, but not replace it because medical does not cover porcelain bridges. I told him under no circumstances do you touch that tooth. He did the root canals on the other two teeth , placed some shoddy steel crown caps on the teeth and shaved down the surrounding teeth to make the caps fit. One size fits all! Not!!! I was in excruciating pain for 2 months. The Dr. didn't want to reschedule a follow-up appointment because he said he hadn't been paid by Medi-Cal for the first appointment. I didn't fight it and just continued to grit my teeth and bear it. Two months went by and I called the office a couple of times, but nothing...the receptionist said that the Dr. was still waiting on his initial payment. I moved on and just waited for a call back. Eight months went by and not a word from my dentist. My teeth hurt so bad I couldn't even eat a banana without experiencing significant pain...a banana!!! And, the areas where he shaved the surrounding teeth to make the cap fit, food now easily gets trapped in those spaces, causing even more pain. I finally call Medi-Cal Dental and they referred me to a specialist to review the work done by Dr. Luong. The referral dentist easily saw the poor workmanship and recommended repairs to correct the problem. After their recommendation, I am scheduled to see another dentist to have them correct Dr. Luong's shoddy dental work. Zero stars and a warning..."Stay Away or Enter At Your Own Risk!""
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  • April 27, 2020


4180 Woodruff Ave
Lakewood, CA, 90713
Mon10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Tue10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Wed10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Fri10:00 am - 7:00 pm
1810 Fullerton Ave Ste 106
Corona, CA, 92881



This dentist accepts the following plans. This may include dental insurance as well as dental savings plans, an affordable alternative to dental insurance. With a dental savings plan, members can save 10-60% at the dentist. Click here to learn more.


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