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Brian Nylaan

Dr. Brian Scot Nylaan, DDS



Brian S. Nylaan, D.D.S. Brian S. Nylaan, D.D.S. received his Associates Degree of Arts and Science from the Grand Rapids Community College, Bachelor of Arts and Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Michigan. He is a member of the Michigan Dental Association, Chicago Dental Society, West Michigan Dental Society, and American Dental Association. He is also certified as an Invisalign provider. Continuing education is a cornerstone of our office philosophy. In our office we offer the respect you deserve along with the commitment to deliver quality care performed with the best of our abilities. Our aim is to be thorough, yet provide comfortable care in a positive atmosphere that emphasizes the value of good dental health. The focus of my team is on you. Do not ever hesitate to ask a question or make a request, as you are the reason we are here. We offer a comfortable environment and quality services with a personal touch. Most of our patients consider our staff to be friends because they are treated as such. Kris Certified Dental Assistant Registered Dental Assistant Office Administrator "I enjoy meeting all of our patients and assisting them in meeting their goal of obtaining and maintaining optimal dental health. If you ever have any questions regarding your dental health, appointments, obligations or recommended treatment I am more than happy to be of assistance." ~ Kris Kris received her Associates Degree in Arts & Science from the Grand Rapids Community College. She received her Registered Dental Assistant certification from the State of Michigan and is a Certified Dental Assistant through the National Board.
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Nylaan Brian Scot Office
5011 Plainfield Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI, 49525



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