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Adrian Guerra, DDS has always maintained a distinguished reputation throughout the North Palm Beach, FL for our superior dental care. It is a privilege for us to highlight the accomplishments of our dentists and our 40 years of operation. ContactAdrian Guerra, DDS today at 561-844-6146 to schedule your dental appointment, or browse our website for more information regarding our General Dentistry and Cosmetic Dentistry services. On March 1, 2010, Dr. Adrian Guerra joined the AMG Dental Group practice in anticipation of D. Flanigan's retirement after 40 plus years. We are indeed fortunate to have Dr. Guerra join us. He has been practicing as a General and Cosmetic Dentist for over 15 years and has 3 Doctor of Surgical Dentistry degrees from 3 different universities in 3 different countries. He graduated at the top of his class at the University of Florida with extensive training and experience in all phases of general dentistry, stressing preventative, and restorative work. Dr. Guerra will not only be a tremendous asset to our office, but a real positive addition to our community. " At this time, I would also like to express my deep gratitude to each and every one of you, for your support and loyalty allowing me to serve as your dentist. I have enjoyed your friendship that has grown and deepened over the years. The faith and trust you have placed in me has been an inspiration and motivation for me to strive to always serve in your best interests." - Hugh B. Flanigan, Jr., D.M.D.
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429 Northlake Blvd Ste 3
North Palm Beach, FL, 33408



This dentist accepts the following plans. This may include dental insurance as well as dental savings plans, an affordable alternative to dental insurance. With a dental savings plan, members can save 10-60% at the dentist. Click here to learn more.


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