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Dr. Wahab works in Costa Mesa, CA and specializes in Dentistry.


Dr. Wahab's Rating
Patient Perspective
3.0 Explains conditions and treatments
3.0 Takes time to answer my questions
3.0 Provides follow-up as needed
Office Rating
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1640 Newport Blvd Ste 300, Costa Mesa, CA, 92627
n/a Average office wait time
3.0 Office cleanliness
3.0 Courteous staff
3.0 Scheduling flexibility
1640 Newport Blvd Ste 300
Costa Mesa, CA, 92627
Showing 1-2 of 2 reviews
"Best dentist by far. My veneers came out perfect. Minimal shaving, minimal pain. Great bedside manner. Highly recommend Dr wahab"
  • October 16, 2021
"THIS IS THE WORST SERVICE I EVER HAD IN MY LIFE! Dr. Wahab is super heavy handed! He basically stabbed my gums about 10 times in one minute to administer the anesthesia. He was so rough that my face was swollen for two weeks! And he was upset because he had to come back in and out to give me more anesthesia because it was wearing off quickly. So he lets his assistant administer the anesthesia WHICH IM SURE SHE IS NOT LICENSED TOO. But she was way more gentle and I could tell she has done it MANY TIMES BEFORE! I was feeling everything and i tried to see how long can i go. The doctor even asked me to "take the pain" so they can finish the work. And again storms out because his assistant couldn't finish the work due to the pain I was experiencing. When I noticed the two front stained I thought it was because I was bleeding a lot and that I just had to brush it off! Before my next appointment I texted his receptionist to let her know about the stained teeth. She tells me "it's fixable"so me and my husband go back for a post op and to finish my procedure. Every time me and my husband came ani would let us sit in her small office so that we don't wait in the waiting area. And she would also let him sit in the room with me. We were also suppose to get night guards which ani said was part of the procedure and they never even took a mold of our teeth!They told me they needed to brake the already cemented teeth so that I can get two new ones that matched! I wasn't ready to get the teeth removed and do another trip to Los Angeles. We had already visited the office three times within the time frame of November 30 to January 12 I book my next appointment on March 2nd and I come in with my sister. When I get to the office I let Ani know that I want my sister to come into the room with me due to the fact that I needed someone to see the teeth who wasn't the doctor because of the mistake "he missed" SHE SAID SHE CANT COME IN THE ROOM DUE TO THE COVID PROTOCOLS but had me my husband his friend and herself all sitting in her little office! She then ROLLS HER EYES IN MY FACE AND SAYS "ok let them in" and there is DR. Wahab again at the front desk on his phone like he always is So I asked to be seen by Dr. Bayrami due to the spectacular experience my husband had compared to mine. Dr. Bayrami sits me down and first thing he said was "it's very obvious" proceeds to remove my two front teeth and then was nice enough to try and make the caps as white as possible since the yellow on your natural teeth do show through. I appreciated him trying to satisfy my experience but the caps broke the next day and I had to remove them. I had to walk around like that for two weeks. So finally I go back for my appointment to get my new teeth placed in and finally they matched. There was about 6 people in my room trying to make sure everything looked great (With the covid protocols). I'm very satisfied with my teeth now thank you to Dr. Bayrami but the entire experience was dreadful Everytime I came since I confronted them about my stained teeth Dr.Wahab walks away from the front desk when he sees me! And his Receptionist Ani is VERY RUDE. She treated me unfairly in comparison to how she treated my husband and his friend. On our previous appointment she gave me and my husband a prescription for pain killers that SHE WROTE HERSELF. Then when I came in with my sister my husbands friend called her to again write the prescription and can you believe she really said "no because I was upset" I also texted her after our first appointment to tell her that my husband wanted to change the color he choose on his veneers to the same color I picked and she never told the tech who was making our teeth. You will see in the picture his teeth are WAY whiter then mine! ALL OF Dr. Wahab Instagram post are not his work. It's his ASSISTANT WORK AND DR. BAYRAMI WORK! And Ani Pissik is rude, unprofessional and a horrible receptionist"
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  • March 19, 2021


1640 Newport Blvd Ste 300
Costa Mesa, CA, 92627



This dentist accepts the following plans. This may include dental insurance as well as dental savings plans, an affordable alternative to dental insurance. With a dental savings plan, members can save 10-60% at the dentist. Click here to learn more.


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